The modern native geo- and hydro-acoustic complex usinged as the study of interconnection between processes in waters and sediments as elements of the difficult geo- and hydrodynamic system is proposed. This previous sentence is totally vague and unclear, after reading it several times over several days I do not know its meaning or intent. Please, what is connected? What is proposed? The relevance of sub-bottom profiling is noticed and it is considered the item of joint presentation for results in bottom survey and its ground maps as three-dimensional (3 D) images. It solved the problem in obtaining unknown information about the state of bottom sediments aside from the carrier of the sonar profiler using the spatial interpolation method. There are the results of complex research of the structure in the upper layers of the bottom sediments and relief of the bottom surface using the designed complex based on the project entitled “Development of the observation system of influence of the economic activity on natural systems and operational control of negative changes in their structure”. There is a specified direction of work that combines geophysical and geochemical research methods of the water areas from the Dnipro river, with its contact in the upper layer of sediments. Herewith contact survey provided divisional analysis and deposition of heavy metals as well as control and conformation of remote survey results. The previous results of analyses found that the presence of distribution regularities in certain lithological types of sediments because silted areas fit with the areas with the minimum hydrodynamic activity as well as dynamic economic activity. Problems of geophysical monitoring, necessity to conduct long-term observations, and complexity of hydro-acoustic research on the shelf set tasks not only to collect and save the information, but to predict the complex data processing with a view to remove the regularities and knowledge creating conditions for the different specialists’ collaboration. The developed geo- and hydro-acoustic complex can solve these problems. 2 times in this above paragraph is used the word “regularities” maybe this word should be “irregularities” but not sure of intent.
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