administrative responsibility

The accuracy of administrative process interpretation by the disputed of legal nature

In the article disputed nature of administrative process is investigational through the prism of analysis of legal relationships of administrative justice and administrative responsibility. Normative regulation and theoretical interpretations of category are analysed “administrative process”.

Harmonization legislation of Ukraine and European Union about administrative responsibility in the area of labor migration

The article deals with the theoretical and practical aspects of regulation of administrative responsibility in the sphere of labor migration. Analyzes of administrative violations in the sphere of labor migration provided by law. We consider some aspects of harmonization of national legislation on administrative responsibility to the legislation of the Member States of the European Union. The identified issues and proposed ways to improve the regulatory framework.

The contents of administrative responsibility for offenses in the sphere of ensuring road safety

The article raised the theoretical aspects of administrative responsibility for offenses in the field of road safety. Analyzes the elements of an administrative offense – object and subject of the offense, the objective and the subjective aspect in the field of road safety and road services in the context of existing legislation. Analyzed scientific views on the issue of administrative responsibility for offenses in the area of road safety from the perspective of the theory of administrative and criminal law.

About the terms and their impact on understanding military administrative offenses

In the article are considered the terms that are part of the explanation of administrative legal relations that take place in the military sphere. The author proposed interpretation of terms “soldier”, “liable for military service”, “military officer”, “reservist” and others.

Administrative and legal mechanisms to prevent violations in the sphere of economics as a basis for economic stability state

The article deals with the issue of effective administrative and legal mechanism for preventing crime in the economy, to create appropriate conditions for the realization and protection of the national interests of the national economy, support of socio-political stability of the state and so on.