адміністративно-правові гарантії; суб’єкти адміністративного права; релігійні організації; адміністративно-правові гарантії діяльності релігійних організацій; свобода совісті; свобода віросповідання; органи публічного управління

System of signs of administrative and legal guarantees of activity of religious organizations in Ukraine

The article, based on national legislation and the achievements of administrative and legal science, identifies and analyzes the features of administrative and legal guarantees of religious organizations in Ukraine. It is noted that administrative and legal guarantees of religious organizations are a system of special administrative and legal conditions, methods of use, observance, implementation, application of legal norms by religious organizations and neutralization of threats to their activities, prevention and cessation of administrative offenses and other illegal activities.

Legal nature of administrative and legal guarantees of activities of religious organizations in Ukraine

The rights of religious organizations provided by the state through a system of administrative and legal guarantees are divided into three groups: 1) rights in the field of public administration and receipt of administrative and legal services; 2) the right to participate in public life; 3) the right to administrative and legal protection (to ensure public safety and order during public and religious activities, mass events at the initiative of religious organizations, the ability to file complaints and applications to public administration bodies, appeals against decisions, actions