
Peculiarities of the implementation of the legislation on public-private partnership in the field of environmental protection

The article considers the theoretical and legal issues of public-private partnership in the field of environmental protection.
On the basis of a comprehensive systematic approach to the study of legal phenomena, the peculiarities of the implementation of current legislation on public-private partnership in the field of environmental protection are studied.

Features of exposure of signs of counteraction of legal economic activity: the applied aspect

The methods of feasance counteraction legal economic activity are investigated in the
article. Information generators are certain about the facts of preparation or feasance of
counteraction of legal economic activity. An author is classify persons that prepare and
accomplish counteraction of legal economic activity. The algorithm of actions is worked out at
receiving message about the requirements of stopping of legal economic activity, limitations
legal economic, about the obligatory conclusion of treaty, and also requirements

Description of organization of building-repair works as objects of building-technical examination from determination of character of their implementation

A question is considered in relation to realization of research by an expert by a builder from determination of character of building-repair works. Legal frameworks are described in relation to determination of order of realization of building-repair works. The process of stowage of corresponding a project is an estimate documents is outlined for realization of building-repair works. The order of registration of agreements is certain for realization of building-repair works and acceptance of their implementation.

On issues concerning criminal proceedings on the basis of agreements and its reforming

The article deals with the issues of criminal proceedings on the basis of agreements and its reforming, that helps to substantially simplify the entire criminal procedure, case decision, by shortening the lag time between the moment of crime and the time when the decision is upheld. However, from the other side we can observe the recession of level in a process of evidence proof in criminal cases and the violation of the presumption of innocence.

Foundations of relations on road passenger transport

Study of relations regarding carriage of passengers by road is becoming more important due to development of the modern democratic society. Proper provision of the legal rights and obligations of their participants in practice depends on sound legal regulation of grounds for origin of any relations. Therefore the studied relations do not constitute an exception.

Romanian-soviet intervention and interpretation of these events in the historiography and memoirs of romanian politicians

Rising to power of the Bolsheviks in Russia caused both fear and hatred in circles ofWestern elites. Governors of royal Romania were afraid that decrees “On the World” and “On the ground” will cause a new wave of revolutionary action of Russian soldiers and will have an impact on 130 Romanian workers and peasants. But the Romanian oligarchy saw also the benefits in the Russian revolutionary events, like: the ability to implement the “project of the Great Romania”.