
Methods and Means of Analyzing Application Security via Distributed Tracing

Summary The article describes methods and means of digital security that are utilizing distributed tracing to detect, investigate, and prevent security incidents. The described methods and means are applicable to solutions of any scale – from large enterprises to pet projects; of any domain – healthcare, banking, government, retail, etc. The article takes a comprehensive approach to digital security including identification, alerting, prevention, investigation, and audit of existing security incidents.

Study of the grain market of Ukraine in the conditions of war

The purpose of the study is to investigate the state and tender development of the Ukrainian grain market in terms of unlocking the export potential of the Ukrainian grain industry, given the need to restore logistics supply chains for export-oriented grain flows in the face of blocked land and water transport corridors. The objectives of the study were:

Problems of the human factor in transport systems

Transport accident statistics and practical safety results indicate that technological solutions cannot ensure the viability (safety, sustainability, reliability and efficiency) of complex systems and structures without addressing human factors. This problem is especially acute for transport systems as highly complex technological and social structures aimed at ensuring the efficiency and safety of an entire sphere of human life. In transportation systems and technologies, the human factor plays a critical role.

The relationship of state and public control in the field of health care

Abstract. The scientific article focuses on factors that indicate the relevance of the study of state and public control in the field of health care as an object of legal regulation. Such factors include the unsatisfactory state of health of the population, the observance of human rights in the field of health care, the quality and efficiency of the medical reform, the quality of the provision of medical services, etc. Therefore, the study of the characteristics of the relationship and legal regulation of state and public control in the field of health care is extremely relevant.


Blockchain technology has garnered significant attention in recent years due to its ability to revolutionize conventional processes by providing faster, more secure, and cost-effective solutions. This study explores the symbiotic relationship between blockchain and biometrics, investigating how these technologies can mutually reinforce each other. The research makes a dual contribution: firstly, it comprehensively analyses blockchain and biometrics, highlighting their convergence's potential advantages and obstacles.

Система управління безпекою життєдіяльності мешканців великого міста

Розглянуто основні поняття безпеки життєдіяльності міста, особливості управління безпекою, постановка задачі управління безпекою міста, фактори впливу на безпкеку міста та наслідки цього впливу, проаналізовано зв”язок факторів впливу та наслідків для типових об”єктів та систем міського середовища.

Системний підхід до вибору консолідованої інформації в управлінні

Розглянуто системний підхід до визначення консолідованої інформації для ефективного управління екологічною безпекою міста. Запропоновано використання системи цілей управління екобезпекою міста та їхнього системного аналізу. Визначено консолідовану інформацію для управління екобезпекою міста, структуру управлінських дій та їхніх можливих виконавців.

Управління екологічною безпекою міста

Розглянуто проблеми екологічної безпеки міста як складової безпеки життєдіяльності міста. Проаналізовано причин виникнення небезпек і можливі варіанти їх ліквідації за допомогою управлінських дій. Запропоновано концептуальну схему управління міською екобезпекою і структуру управлінського органу, алгоритм управління екобезпекою.

Aerial vehicles detection system based on analysis of sound signals

The article presents a modern aircraft detection system based on the analysis of sound signals, developed using neural networks and sound analysis algorithms. During the development of the system, the latest technologies were used, such as acoustic sensors, single-board microcomputers and external devices for processing and storing information received from the environment, which ensures fast and accurate detection of aircraft in the air.

The Essential Characteristics of the Main Concepts of the Categorical Apparatus of Work Safety Management in Territorial Communitie

Workplace safety management in territorial communities is of great importance for ensuring the safety and health of workers at the local community level. In order to prevent accidents and deterioration of health, effective work safety management is essential, involving a systematic approach to the identification, assessment, and control of risks associated with working conditions and processes.