
Method of Multiplexing of Timer Signal Structures Based on Ofdm Technology

The method of multiplexing of timer signal structures. based on OFDM technology was considered. This technology is used in many data transmission standards, both in wired channels — asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL), and in wireless networks — the standards of IEEE 802.11a and HiperLAN/2. OFDM is characterized by high spectral efficiency, resistance to radio frequency interference, low level of multi-path distortion.

Fifth international prison congress of 1895: the basic ideas and solutions

The article is devoted to analysis of issues related to the activities of the fifth International prison congress held in Paris in 1895. Studied the composition of the final participants, the main ideas expressed therein and the decisions taken as a result of his conduct. Special attention is paid to the prevention of juvenile crime.

Seismic system for monitoring and forecasting local earthquakes in the Dnepropetrovsk region

Summarizes the results of preliminary studies to ascertain the nature of earthquakes and seismic safety in the provision of technologically-risk areas Krivoy Rog iron ore and coal basins Pavlograd. The possibilities of highly sensitive seismic stations UK15, established in Dnepropetrovsk (n. Mirnij), check local and remote Kryvyi Rih and Pavlogradskij earthquakes.

Comparative Analysis of the European Security Strategy(2003) and Global Strategy of the European Unity (2016)

In this article, the authors carried out a comparative analysis of the European Security Strategy (2003) and Global Strategy of the European Union (2016) in order to track the evolution of perception of threats and challenges to the international system. This comparison answers a number of scientific questions. In particular: Are security risks in Europe, published in 2003, still relevant? Have the methods and means of combating difficulties changed for 13 years? Which methods were decisive? Is the EU’s security strategy, despite some cosmetic changes, still relevant?

Комп'ютеризована база даних нормативно-правового забезпечення якості харчової продукції

Здійснено аналіз нормативно-правового забезпечення якості харчової продукції. Визначено основі пріоритети щодо якості та безпеки продуктів харчування, мета яких полягає у забезпеченні умов створення та споживання в Україні екологічно чистої харчо- вої продукції. Запропоновано використання комп’ютерної бази даних для ефективного застосування нормативно-правового законодавства у сфері безпеки та якості продукції

Energy diplomacy as an important aspect of state's foreing policy: European experience for Ukrainians

The article considers a notion of energy diplomacy and peculiarities of its conduction, defines primary tasks for development of energy diplomacy in the foreign policy of Ukraine. With the help of historical, systemic, and structural functional methods, it is revealed that interstate collaboration in the form of energy diplomacy pursues the national interest of a state through applying a wide range of classical and specific foreign policy actions, and creates additional means of counteracting global contemporary challenges connected with the energy sector.

The concept of peace and security in the magisterium of the Catholic Church

In modern threats for existing world order, the acute problem of preserving the world peace and security guarantee for all nations and peoples emerges. This particular research examines the concept of peace and security by using a systematic, structural, and functional methods and content analysis which was proposed by the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. Through the analyzing basic documents of the Roman Pontiffs, the author concludes that the conception proposed by them was based on the need to protect and promote human rights.

Optimal codes on vector combinatorial configurations

Concept of coding systems optimizations based on vector combinatorial configurations (the Ideal Vector Rings models), with the optimization being embedded in the underlying combinatorial models, is regarded in this paper. This paper  is aimed at improving the qualitative indices of multidimensional vector data information technologies and computer systems with respect to transmission speed of vector data  with automatic error correction, and data security using a variety of multidimensional combinatorial configuration and finite cyclic group theory.