
Evolution of the phenomenon of life safety

The evolution of the life safety phenomenon is considered, the theoretical aspects are analyzed and the essence of the concept "safety of life" and its interpretation in the scientific environment are analyzed. The model of development and scientific principles of life safety is explored. Author's definition of life safety is proposed.

Key Trends in the Development of Customs Systems in the Conditions of Globalization and European Integration

In modern conditions, the dynamic development of international trade in Europe, on the one hand, increases the economic competitiveness of the state and strengthens its financial and economic condition, and on the other hand, causes significant threats to national security, its markets and society associated with illegal movement of international supply chains.


The purpose of the research is formation of passenger transport policy by public transport from the standpoint of determining the level of safety in COVID-19 and passenger comfort with the development of basics for measuring the perception of the most important factors of public transport convenience, minimum discomfort and maximum safety. Methodology. The study was conducted in two stages - inhouse and experimental - the collection and processing of data obtained from the survey of passenger flows.

PESCO, CARD, EDF: Strategy, Analysis, and Financing in the European Union Security Guarantee (Research Article)

In the article the authors analyze the institutional basis for strengthening the EU security and the implementation of specific projects designed to expand cooperation between the Member States in the defence and security sectors. The point at  issue  is about Permanent Structured Cooperation  (PESCO);  the Coordinated Annual Review on Defence  (CARD) and the European Defence Fund (EDF).

Accounting and Analytical Problems of Cultural Heritage Security in Polish-ukrainian Cross-border Cooperation

The safety of cultural heritage in a cross-border dimension depends significantly on the influence of accounting and analytical factors, as they form the basis for the perception of its objects for their proper preservation and constant monitoring of the state and risks of irreversible changes. This issue is especially important in Polish-Ukrainian cross-border cooperation, where historical realities have led to the destruction and destruction of many cultural heritage sites.

Problems of privacy and security in cyber physical systems of intellectual houses

Smart homes have become increasingly popular for IoT products and services with a lot of promises for improving the quality of life of individuals. Nevertheless, the heterogeneous, dynamic, and Internet-connected nature of this environment adds new concerns as private data becomes accessible, often without the householders’ awareness. This accessibility alongside with the rising risks of data security and privacy breaches, makes smart home security a critical topic that deserves scrutiny.

Adapting features of medium stories dense development for children’s needs


У статті проаналізовано містобудівельні та просторово-планувальні обмеження щільної забудови у розплануванні простору для дітей. Визначено критерії та умови відповідності середовища потребам дітей. Висвітлено проблематику місця розташування дитячих майданчиків.

Моделі якості послуг телекомунікаційних мереж

The quality of service models of telecommunication networks was considered. The features of providing of quality of service in the telephone and computer networks was explored. On the basis of this research it sets, that the metropolitan telephone networks are characterized by a higher accuracy, dependability and security by comparison to the computer local area networks. Substantial advantage of computer local area networks above the metropolitan telephone networks is providing a higher speed of the user information transfer, although defect there is an instability of this speed.

Non-alignment strategy: politics and theory (Research Article)

The complex study of the state non-alignment strategy is done. The theoretical and methodological basis of non-alignment strategy is analyzed, the problem of definition this phenomenon is investigated, the main aspects of neutrality strategy tendencies are clarified. The historical aspects of non-alignment policies are developed.