цифровий маркетинг

Strategic Aspects of Digital Business Transformation

The article formulates the essence of the concept of "digital transformation of business". The main strategic aspects of digitalization in the modern conditions of the functioning of international companies are substantiated. Based on the results of the research, the challenges of digital transformation were identified, and various types of digital business models were analyzed. The reasons that exacerbate problems in the field of digital transformation of business are formulated. Stages of the process of digital business transformation based on change management are recommended.

Digital Marketing: Features and Perspectives of Application in Ukraine in Conditions of Full-Scale War

As a result of globalization processes, information about products, firms is distributed through websites, social networks, chats, platforms, etc. Every year, the number of involved users of the Internet and social networks grows, as people increasingly prefer digital sources of information in contrast to traditional ones. Digitalization processes in the world are intensifying, so digital marketing today is a promising direction of product promotion, clearly oriented to the target audience. It provides fast twoway ‘seller-buyer’ communication, deep analysis of consumers.

Research of the Metal-plastic Window Industry of Ukraine and Directions of Activation of Them by Manufacturers of Internet Technologies

The industry of metal-plastic window structures is quite developed: this product is popular in many countries of the world. In Ukraine, the window market is growing relatively slowly compared to previous years, by 2019 and the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, there was a market growth of 5-7%. The growth rate and development of the market depend significantly on the dynamics of con- struction, which is negatively affected by the bureaucratization of the process of obtaining permits (for construction or reconstruction).


Purpose – The purpose of the article is to study the evolution of digital marketing through the study of approaches to the interpretation of the categorical and conceptual apparatus; systematization of the distinctive characteristics of traditional marketing, internet marketing and digital marketing. The authors hypothetically suggest that digital marketing is the highest form of evolution of internet marketing and traditional (classical) marketing.


In the article the relevance of using modern digital marketing tools, namely the marketplaces, is investigated. The description of the “markeplays” concept is given, its types, main features and advantages of application are highlighted.  Describes its main advantages, disadvantages and features of application for the development of e-business.