Digital Marketing: Features and Perspectives of Application in Ukraine in Conditions of Full-Scale War

: pp. 26 - 38
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine

As a result of globalization processes, information about products, firms is distributed through websites, social networks, chats, platforms, etc. Every year, the number of involved users of the Internet and social networks grows, as people increasingly prefer digital sources of information in contrast to traditional ones. Digitalization processes in the world are intensifying, so digital marketing today is a promising direction of product promotion, clearly oriented to the target audience. It provides fast twoway ‘seller-buyer’ communication, deep analysis of consumers. Due to its speed and volume of information, mobility, wide coverage of the audience, the accuracy of determining the characteristics of the target consumer and the possibility of feedback to him, etc., digital marketing is becoming more and more popular.

The purpose of the research is to determine the prerequisites, features and relevance of using digital marketing for product promotion in the digital environment, in particular, in the conditions of war in Ukraine. The main tools, specifics, advantages and disadvantages of this type of marketing are highlighted. The importance and prospects of promoting goods using digital communication tools with customers to preserve the competitiveness of Ukrainian manufacturers are summarized.

Ukrainian business actively uses digital marketing tools, but the full-scale war had a significant impact on this field of activity. In wartime conditions, consumer needs change, solvency decreases, and the economic environment is difficult and unstable. The changes in user preferences have been highlighted (calm colors in advertising, calls for victory, reconstruction, patriotism, attention to donating to companies, charitable activities, etc.). Accordingly, Ukrainian enterprises are recommended to get involved in public initiatives, social projects, donate, help the army, so that consumers can feel a common motive, support and desire to win, and later rebuild Ukraine. It is also important to create the image of a reliable informant, publishing reliable facts and news, and avoiding ‘bairaktarshchy’. It was stated that thanks to digital marketing tools in particular, Ukrainian business today remains quite competitive.

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