: 143-156
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
WSB University (Poland), University of Johannesburg (South Africa)

Purpose – The purpose of the article is to study the evolution of digital marketing through the study of approaches to the interpretation of the categorical and conceptual apparatus; systematization of the distinctive characteristics of traditional marketing, internet marketing and digital marketing. The authors hypothetically suggest that digital marketing is the highest form of evolution of internet marketing and traditional (classical) marketing.

Design/methodology/approach – The research uses the following general scientific methods of scientific knowledge: comparative analysis and synthesis, theoretical generalization, systematization and logical generalization. The information, theoretical and methodological basis of the research is the scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists who study issues related to the functioning of marketing activities of enterprises in the context of digitalization.

Findings – The article examines the evolution of digital marketing through the study of approaches to the interpretation of the categorical and conceptual apparatus; systematizes the distinctive characteristics of traditional marketing, internet marketing and digital marketing. The authors confirm the hypothesis that digital marketing is the highest form of evolution of internet marketing and traditional (classical) marketing. Taking into account different approaches in the organization of marketing activities, the authors systematize the main differences between traditional, digital and internet marketing.

Practical implications – Today, digital and online marketing are the fastest growing areas of marketing. Digital technologies have completely transformed organizational and managerial processes, created new challenges and opportunities for marketers and encourages them to keep up with new trends caused by global digitalization. The results of the study will allow enterprises and organizations to realize the advantages of using modern interactive technologies, increase their readiness to switch to using marketing digital communication channels, and adapt faster to the new conditions of global digitalization. The authors' theoretical developments will expand the scientific field and expand the understanding of the differences and features of internet marketing and digital marketing among marketers and practitioners working in the field under study.

Originality/value – Marketing is one of the areas that is undergoing the greatest transformations under the influence of digital processes – traditional (classical) tools and technologies are being replaced by digital ones. Systematization of definitions allowed us to conclude that digital marketing is a broader category than internet marketing, which is its component, and the main difference is that there is no need to use the Internet as a source of information transmission. At the same time, it is clarified that e – marketing is a broader concept that involves the integration of internet and digital marketing, that is, it includes both types of marketing. It is proved that unlike traditional (classical) marketing, digital and internet marketing involves the use of online channels and digital tools and technologies that allow companies to use personalized approaches in communication with end users and organize their marketing campaigns interactively and in real time.

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