
Extreme Necessity: Physical and Psychological Coercion

Extreme necessity is defined as a situation in which a person is forced to violate the law in order to avoid greater harm that threatens his or her life, health or other legitimate interests. An important aspect is the proportionality of the choice: the damage caused must be less than the damage that could have been avoided. Infliction of harm in a state of passion in the course of necessary defense by citizens under the age of 18 is not criminally punishable.

The concept of "violence" in the school environment

The article presents materials of research on the problem of school violence. The purpose of the article is to study (disclose) the essential content of the concept of violence in the school environment, as well as to determine the main content of the concept of "bullying". The study analyzes and systematizes theoretical approaches to understanding the phenomenon of school violence, the most developed in the scientific literature. A comparative analysis of the concept of school violence and other concepts that are similar in nature.

Measures to ensure criminal proceedings: legal analysis

The article considers the system of measures to ensure criminal proceedings under the current Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine. A critical analysis of scientific positions on the concept of measures to ensure criminal conduct, as well as their features.

The Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine is a completely new, modern, democratic instrument aimed at implementing judicial reform in Ukraine. The current CPC has consolidated a number of institutions that have significantly changed the criminal procedure legislation of Ukraine.

State primus: concept and characteristics

The article considers the concept and characteristics of state coercion in the context of the rule of law, rule of law and legality. The rule of law does not and cannot deny the exercise of coercive influence, but does not recognize coercion that is not based on law. It is noted that in legal science there is no generally accepted approach to the interpretation of state coercion. State coercion is defined differently by researchers. State coercion can be defined as the authorized activity of officials aimed at exercising power in order to comply with and enforce legal acts.

The activity of bodies of internal affairs under the conditions of war state

The article deals with issues of the activity of bodies of internal affairs under the conditions of war state. The features of the organization of the activity of internal affairs bodies concerning the protection of public order under the conditions of war state are revealed. Typical plans of the protection of public order defining the available forces and means, the staff of the consolidated group, the additional forces and means, reserves, options for enhanced policing, the increased readiness of the personnel, etc.

Foreign experience of regulation of criminal responsibility for crimes sign composed of violence

This paper examines the international experience of regulation of criminal responsibility for crimes sign composed of Violence; it turns out that penal importance is the concept of “violence” under the laws of the adjacent former Soviet and those countries which have a decisive influence on foreign law; in turn set its content and scope.

Integrative function of criminology in the sciences about man

In this paper the issues the problem of criminal violence, its manifestations and types. The various aspects of violence are increasingly attracting the attention of not only lawyers, but also specialists from other disciplines – psychology, philosophy, sociology and so on. This is provides a comprehensive analysis of the given phenomenon.