State primus: concept and characteristics

: 106-113

Lesko N.
"State primus: concept and characteristics"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

The article considers the concept and characteristics of state coercion in the context of the rule of law, rule of law and legality. The rule of law does not and cannot deny the exercise of coercive influence, but does not recognize coercion that is not based on law. It is noted that in legal science there is no generally accepted approach to the interpretation of state coercion. State coercion is defined differently by researchers. State coercion can be defined as the authorized activity of officials aimed at exercising power in order to comply with and enforce legal acts. State coercion as a relationship characterized by one-sidedness, power and inequality of the parties, is always asymmetric. The connection of state coercion with restriction and even deprivation of rights is necessary, but not a sufficient condition for the characterization of state coercion at the present stage, as it does not take into account changes in the legal framework of possible interpretation of state coercion. in the Constitution of Ukraine, at the level of universally recognized principles and norms of international law and international treaties of Ukraine.
It is pointed out that the use of state coercion does not contradict the principles on which the rule of law is based. The rule of law is inconceivable without power and has a high degree of legitimacy, which leads to increased responsibility of the government to society and encourages it to use all possible means to achieve socially useful goals, including coercion. Law in a state governed by the rule of law expresses the balanced will of a society in which the basis of state coercion is laid. It is stated that coercion remains an important means of fulfilling the duty of the state to ensure the inviolability of the rights and freedoms of citizens. State coercion in a state governed by the rule of law is characterized by legally established limits of state influence on subjects of law. State coercion in the rule of law is exercised in order to protect human rights and ensure the common good. State coercion should not degrade human dignity, should be appropriate and reasonable, normatively determined on the basis of quality legislative material. Coercion in a state governed by the rule of law is understood as based on the requirements of law and carried out within established limits and forms by physical, mental or organizational influence on the will and behavior of legal entities, government agencies and other authorized persons to prevent violations or threats of violations, ensuring the rights and freedoms of the individual, public safety and state sovereignty, other social and state needs.

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