
Digitalization as a Factor of Fast Internationalization of Startups

The article defines the essence of the concept of "global startups", and examines the factors influencing their emergence and rapid spread in the global economy. The size of the local market, the state of development of the national innovation ecosystem, the number and availability of resources, the level of competition in the domestic market, state protection of intellectual property rights and technologies, etc.

Modernization of the activities of law enforcement bodies of Ukraine in modern conditions

Annotation. The current conditions of law enforcement agencies in Ukraine are extremely complex, which requires increased efficiency in this area. The purpose of this article was to highlight the main directions of modernization of law enforcement agencies of Ukraine. This study was carried out within the limits of the set goal using the following methods: information-analytical method, system approach method, anamnestic method, descriptive statistics method, descriptive analysis method, forecasting method.

Regulatory and institutional support of digitalization and cybersecurity of the public administration system in the EU

Today, the internet is a tool used in many activities, especially in the public administration system which increases the amount of time EU states are exposed to cyberspace and its risks.
The article examines the regulatory and institutional support of digitalization and cybersecurity of the public administration system in the EU.


Scientific research has analyzed the state of the print media market in Ukraine over the past twenty years. Crisis periods of media development are singled out, in particular, special attention is paid to the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to catalyzing drastic changes in the print media market in Ukraine, factors have been identified that significantly affect the development of the general media market: digitalization, destruction of logistics, periodicals, outflow of advertisers from traditional media, rising raw material prices, lack of subscription culture. alternative.


The aim of the article is to study transformation of public expenditures in the context of a
global trend of the digital economy development and the information society formation.
Based on the analysis of scientific publications, the fundamental approaches to
understanding public consumption and the system of state purchases have been determined. Public
expenditures are related to the provision of public goods and services to citizens to promote
economic, social and environmental sustainability: electricity and water supply, education,