
Дослідження впливу довжини світлової хвилі на динаміку поглинання вуглекислого газу хлорофілсинтезуючими мікроводоростями

Досліджено вплив довжини світлової хвилі на швидкість поглинання вуглекис-
лого газу мікроводоростями. Описано механізм транспорту вуглекислого газу із повітря
у внутрішнє середовище клітини мікроводорості. На основі математичної моделі
приросту мікроводоростей визначено коефіцієнт приросту. Отримано аналітичну залеж-
ність коефіцієнта приросту мікроводоростів від довжини світлової хвилі. Встановлено
оптимальні довжини світлових хвиль для проектування технологічних схем

Decontamination of radioactive liquid systems by modified clay minerals

The process mechanism for sorption of strontium and cesium from liquid radioactive waste using modified bentonites from Yaziv sulfur deposit was investigated. The technique for predicting the intensity of the sorption process based on the comparison of experimental and calculated values of mass transfer coefficients was proposed. It was detected that the process of sorption extraction of strontium and cesium from liquid medium using modified clay minerals may be best described by a three-parameter model of the adsorption isotherms.

Особливості побудови інформаційних технологій моделювання процесів розвитку туристичних та інфокомунікаційних комплексів

In this research a number of important scientific and applied problems associated with the development of information technology for simulation based on physical analogies for objects of tourism industry and information and communication infrastructure are solved. The processes of integration of these technologies n an appropriate information system modeling for the study and construction of effective tourism and information and commu¬nication systems.

Peculiarities of medicinal substance release under the conditions of interface diffusion process and hydrolysis of a polymeric matrix

Film systems based on chitosan of various molecular weight (334000 Da and 113000 Da) and the antibiotic of an aminoglycoside row (amikacin) have been investigated. The equations of Ritger-Peppas, Hixson-Crowell and Hopfenberg, describing kinetics of medicine release have been analyzed. It is shown that the release of amikacin from films of chitosan acetate under the conditions of interface diffusion processes and dissolution (hydrolysis) of a polymeric matrix is described more correctly by Hopfenberg’s equation.

About the Problem of Biological Processes Complicated by Mass Transfer

The carbon dioxide absorption by unicellular microalgae has been studied. The stages of the process have been examined taking into account the peculiarities of cultivation conditions, in particular the presence of cellular and intercellular environment. The constants realizing the mathematical model of carbon dioxide absorption from the air by microalgae cells have been determined. The obtained results allow to predict the absorption kinetics and develop the equipment for gas wastes cleaning while implementation of the industrial process.