electronic textbook

General requirements to interactive exercises ofelectronic textbooks and tutorial for higher education and examples of their implementation in the Аdobe Сaptivate medium

The formulation of the problem For e-books one of the components have become interactive training exercises that help assimilate theoretical course material. According to the teaching of the subject is exercises are usually different. In each topic of one subject teachers can develop the problem of different formulation, a form of representation and the method for solving. But with didactic and some technical questions to interactive exercises and e-books should be set out general requirements.

Принципи створення електронних підручників для вищих навчальних закладів на прикладі електронного підручника “Економіка підприємства”

There are the basic principles to construct a modern electronic textbook for high school and requirements for it in the work. Examples of their implementation are demonstrated in the electronic textbook “Economy of enterprise” of N. V. Afanasyev and O. B. Plokha, that was created according to the methodology of V. M. Anokhin. Electronic textbook should combine an interactive and a multimedia electronic publication in it, be available to users from different aspects, has properties of adaptability and to meet the general requirements of the textbooks.

Methods and Means of Distance Learning for the Modern Youth Promotion and Involvement to Independent Scientific Research Conducting

New information, telecommunication technologies contribute to the optimization in the management of studies. This paper is devoted to the implementation of innovative approaches to improving the curriculum of higher education. The method of finding and attracting students including girls for scientific and practical work through and their participation at team competitions and joint Interuniversity scientific-practical projects are proposed. This work has considered a problem of distance education and involvement in her adaptive learning system.

The concept, structure and principles of the development an electronic textbook fundamentals of the electronic circuits theory

The article presents the research results based on the experience of developing an electronic textbook Fundamentals of the Electronic Circuits Theory. It reveals the concept, structure and principles of the development of the electronic textbook. A detailed procedure of the evaluation of knowledge is outlined. The electronic part of a book also provides a self-assessment tool online.