European integration

Reforms as a prerequisite for ukraine's accession to the Еuropean Union

Reforms and their impact are an integral part of the process of accession to the European Union. These measures create the foundation for harmonizing the country's legislation with European standards and norms, and contribute to improving the living standards of citizens and the stability of society. One of the key aspects of reforms is economic change. Countries aspiring to join the European Union usually implement reforms aimed at liberalizing markets, improving the business climate, and fighting corruption.

Potential for harmonization of national labor legislation to European standards

The article reveals the potential of harmonizing national labor legislation to European standards in the context of Ukraine's European integration. In the context of the European integration of Ukraine, the constitutive principles of the realization of the right to work should be formed on the dominant principles: ensuring the maximization of legally defined labor rights and guarantees, the optimality of opportunities for their implementation, and effective prevention of violations of the labor rights of employees.

Establishing the concept of the public as a requirement of the post-war social order of Ukraine

The term public is an established term used in the scientific and political- administrative terminology of Western societies. It denotes a certain basic concept of social relations on which these societies are built. Such terms as public sphere, public service, public enterprises, public administration, public policy have become widely used. At the same time, in Ukraine, despite the changes that took place after 2014, until now, the dominant concept of the political and administrative sphere remains the state.

Circular Economy: Features and Prospects of Implementation in Ukraine in the Conditions of War

The circular economy is a prerequisite for the new industrial revolution, because it contributes to achieving maximum economic efficiency in industry and reducing the negative impact on the environment. Its implementation involves a set of measures aimed at the sustainable development of enterprises, the country and society. Introducing the concept of circular economy is an important and necessary step for the development of our country, its integration into the European Union and post-war recovery.

The role of higher government bodies in European integration processes of Ukraine

This scientific article examines the process of preparation and accession of the state to the European Union (EU) with an emphasis on the work of higher authorities. The authors analyze the key aspects and stages that include the transition to European norms and standards, as well as the reforms necessary to comply with EU standards. The article examines the role of parliament, government, and other authorities in the implementation of European policies and legislation, and evaluates their effectiveness in this process.

Impulsive causes of migration in modern conditions

The article explores migration processes, arising in modern transitive society and differently influencing the development of both donor states and recipient states. Present-day impulsive causes of migration are considered in the article. Peculiarities of contemporary migration processes, taking place in Ukraine, in the context of European integration are studied.