Specific features of trade wars in a globalized environment: Problematic aspects for ukraineUkraine

: pp. 250 - 258
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The scientific article examines the topical issues of trade conflicts in the context of the modern globalized economic system and their impact on the economic interests of Ukraine. The article analyzes the key aspects of trade wars, taking into account the interaction of countries in the international market, the influence of global economic trends and modern challenges facing the Ukrainian exporter.

The work examines in detail important aspects such as the strategies of countries in trade war conflicts, the impact on the markets of raw materials and finished products, as well as possible ways of protecting national interests. In particular, an assessment of the possible consequences for the economy of Ukraine was carried out and strategic steps that could ensure the stable functioning of the country in conditions of trade tensions were determined.

The article examines the trade conflict between the United States and China, which has become one of the most defining in modern economic history. Focusing on the stages of development of this conflict, she analyzes the trade restrictions introduced by both countries and their impact on the world market. Covering the relationship between the world’s two largest economies provides the reader with a deeper understanding of the causes and consequences of trade conflicts.

Additional focus of the article is given to the trade conflict between Ukraine and russia, considering its history and specifics. Through the prism of interaction between the two countries, the causes of the conflict, its impact on the economy of both sides, as well as possible ways of solving and overcoming the consequences are given.

The article begins with a brief overview of the history of trade conflicts, revealing their roots in economic and political competition between countries. It examines the transformation of trade relations from the time of marginal mercantilism to the era of global trade and identifies the key factors leading to the emergence of trade tensions.

This article is aimed at studying and understanding the current problems of global trade and its impact on the economic development of Ukraine, and also puts forward practical recommendations for the effective conduct of trade wars.

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