The article discusses the challenges and prospects of applying innovative tools for optimizing business processes of enterprises in the context of European integration. The classification of business processes of enteprises, as well as innovations and innovation processes, has been supplemented and systematized. It is stated that despite the war, Ukraine occupies leading positions in the world innovation rankings, and throughout the entire period of the war with Russia it remains one of the economies whose innovative development is carried out at a faster pace than the economic development. This characterization applies to. A scheme for a phased process of reengineering business processes of enterprises on the basis of an innovative approach in the context of European integration is proposed.
The main purpose of the article is to study the challenges and prospects in the application of innovative tools for optimizing business processes of domestic enterprises in the context of European integration.
Given the current high-risk business environment (military actions, crisis phenomena, etc.) prevailing in Ukraine and the world as a whole, conventional (classical) tools for optimizing business processes simply cease to bring the desired results. Therefore, it is time to improve and develop innovative tools for optimizing business processes of domestic and foreign enterprises.
The direction of movement towards innovation management obliges the management of domestic enterprises to focus on a system of business process management in which the search, identification, and implementation of innovations will become a systematic task of each organizational element, structural unit of an enterprise or organization. Given the shortage of working capital in the domestic economy, which also negatively affects the processes of financing innovations, it is advisable to pay attention primarily to the management system of all business processes. Skillful management of the potential of business processes of a domestic organization will allow identifying, creating, and forming competitive advantages, occupying favorable positions in the European market. Moreover, the use of innovative tools for optimizing business processes of enterprises will not always require significant funding, which is important for Ukrainian entrepreneurs in the current environment.
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