геологічне середовище

Energy-research method for determining geophysical parameters of geological medium utilizing seismic prospecting data

Energy-researched analysis of the wave field (ERA-WF) on the example of 3D seismic data Drobyshivska area is investigated. Results of the study are compared with the results of analysis of the wave field, made by the frequency Fourier method, Prony, Gilbert, wavelet functions, and the results of the parametric interpretation of geophysical parameters derived using a software system Petrel.

Solving the inverse problem of seismic prospecting using the energy approach to the analysis of wave fields

In the paper the implementation of energy wave field analysis approach for developed informational model of the geological medium is considered. The solutions of seismic inverse problem are presented, which involves geophysical parameters obtaining of geological medium with the use of field seismic data. In order to obtain geological and geophysical environmental parameters the number of wave field transformations are being carried out, conventionally divided into primary and final part (interpretation).

Geodynamics of Tereblja-Riksky technogenic range

On the basis of results of the complex analysis of the given geodetic measurements and geological studying of territory of Tereblja-Riksky derivational hydroelectric power station the geodynamic model of interaction of engineering constructions and the geological environment is created. Recommendations for carrying out of monitoring of geodynamic processes are offered.

The results of detailed EM soundings in the problem zone at the northern border of Dombrovsky quarry

The results of electro-magnetic diagnostics of the medium in the upper part of geological cut between river of Sivka and the northern border of quarry are presented. Time domain electromagnetic sounding has detected and quantitatively outlined a zone of anomalous conductivity associated with development of filtration-suffosion and karst processes in the gypsum-clay cap and in the ore body as a result of infiltration of river waters and atmospheric precipitations into water-bearing horizon, and their migration in the border zone at lower hypsometric dates.

Electromagnetic monitoring of environmentally problematic objects in Precarpathians: results and technological means used

Purpose. Designing both the apparatus and methodical means based on the classical methods of electroprospecting and their modification. Using this set for an elecromagnetic monitoring of environmentally problematic objects. The objects to be observed are ground dams, haloes of underground water pollution, mine fields, geotechnical objects. Methodology. High-speed technological set was created and had been studying in the environmentally problematic areas in pre-Carpathians (Yavoriv, Stebnyk, Kalush etc.).