інформаційні технології

Analysis of Educational Platforms for Individuals With Special Needs

The education process plays a significant role in increasing the socialization of individuals with specific needs. The information technologies to used support the education of such individuals should take into account their unique psycho-physical development characteristics. Creating an optimal communicative environment and developing the social skills necessary for the full involvement of students with special needs in the education process is an important component.

Recommendation Systems in E-Commerce Applications

Nowadays, there are more and more web applications of all kinds. Each of them solves a specific problem and makes life easier for its users. Web applications come in many different types: from a platform for learning courses and watching movies to an online store selling goods. The best systems are those that make things as easy as possible for the user, behave like old friends who know the behavior and tastes of their users and can predict their next move.

Principles of Creating Multi-objective Quality Models for Software Systems

This article proposes an original approach at a mathematical level to the creation of multi- objective quality models for software systems. The research is based on the study and generalization of quality modeling trends of software systems and user needs in order to determine optimal principles for constructing such  models. The article provides mathematical explanations that play a key role in identifying and formalizing the principles of creating multi-objective quality models of software.

Methods of Machine Learning and Design of a System for Determining the Emotional Coloring of Ukrainian-language Content

In the article, the authors analyze the current state of research in the field of emotional analysis of Ukrainian-language content for data mining systems. The main methods and approaches to solving the problem are analyzed. The main machine learning algorithms for analyzing textual content are also considered. As a result of the analysis, the main methods and approaches that can be used to analyze the Ukrainian language were identified and classified. The next step was to design the system's functionality using a structural approach.

Information System for Evaluation of Investments in the Field of Information Technologies

Creating an information system for evaluating investments in the field of information technology is a relevant task as it influences the efficiency of resource utilization in this strategically important sector. Information technologies are rapidly evolving, and proper investment evaluation can contribute to maximizing profitability and reducing risks. The research highlights various approaches to addressing this issue, each defined by its own characteristics.

Legal Mechanisms for Ensuring Information Security in Ukraine

The article considers the legal mechanisms for ensuring information security. It has been proven that today, more than ever, when there is a war in Ukraine, the issue of ensuring information security becomes especially relevant and significant, as the information space becomes a «battlefield» on a par with the war front. Enemy forces actively use informational and psychological operations to destabilize the situation inside our country, create panic, spread fakes and undermine trust in state institutions.

Application of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Construction Industry

Technological advances in the field of electronics, such as miniature electromechanical devices and small powerful electric motors, have made it possible to develop small and light devices, such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Recently, civilian UAVs are rapidly gaining popularity. Undoubtedly, UAVs will be used for many services in the future. There is already a growing demand for such fields of application of unmanned aerial vehicles as agriculture, emergency services, energy, fuel, mining, construction, geodesy (cartography), transportation, etc.

The influence of the principles of civil process on the legal regulation of electronic document flow

Abstract. The article examines the influence of the principles of civil procedure on the legal regulation of electronic document flow based on a comprehensive systematic analysis of the current Ukrainian legislation and normative acts of the European Union. The object of the study is the legal relationship regarding the electronic document flow that arises between the court and other participants in the process, which are related to the implementation of the system of principles of civil justice.

Information technologies for ensuring protection of intellectual property rights: administrative and legal aspects

Abstract. The article is devoted to a comprehensive study of technologies designed to protect intellectual property rights. The scientific basis for the study of information technologies for ensuring the protection of intellectual property rights is analyzed.

Моделювання фітомаси лісів Підкарпатського воєводства засобами ГІС

Наведено результати моделювання компонентів фітомаси деревостанів головних лісотвірних порід Підкарпатського воєводства та депонованого в ній вуглецю. Складено багатошарову цифрову карту лісів Підкарпатського воєводства

The results of the simulation components of phytomass of major forest tree species and deposited carbon in forest stands Podcarpatskogo Voivodeship (Poland) are shown. The GIS technology was used to make modeling. The multilayer digital map of forests of Podcarpatskogo Voivodeship was made as a result of the study.