інформаційні технології

Features of electronic business development under conditions of digital economy formation

Modern trends of globalization and the development of the world economy convincingly testify the need to rethink the ways and models of doing business under the influence of IT systems and technologies. This opens new prospects for business. The Internet has become a modern space for conducting business, which significantly expands the possibilities of displaying the real economy in the virtual global world. The consequence of the above-mentioned processes is the development of such an economic and legal phenomenon as electronic business.

Algebras of algorithms for modeling the distribution of resources in IT projects

The distribution of resources is an important scientific and practical task, as it concerns all areas of human activity, the field of information technologies is no exception. A study was conducted, which showed that today there are many approaches to solving the given problem, each of which is characterized by certain features. Known methods of resource allocation are analyzed, their classification is given and it is shown that they are mainly defined as linear programming problems, resource allocation matrices or are implemented on the basis of empirical knowledge.

Information system prototype for monitoring and content analysis of complaints from smart city residents

One of the current computerization trends is the active development of “smart city” or “Smart city” technologies, in particular, the support of administrative e-services, the development of transport systems, the use of ecologically clean energy sources, the development of ecology, the modernization of the city’s digital equipment, in an improved state. life in the city, completion of all processes of the city infrastructure. All this complex of works is as accessible as possible with the correct use of “Smart city” technology. Smart cities contribute to sustainable development.

Optimization of the infrastructure of the distributed information system of goods accounting

An existing goods accounting information system was assessed for possible infrastructure optimization. A various parts of the system were analyzed to improve infrastructure costs without having a significant degradation of non-functional requirements. Modeling of the optimized system was performed, and evaluation of the infrastructure costs was made. Several optimization directions were evaluated, analyzed and either recommended or rejected.

Modern information technologies in the activities of prosecutor's offices

The article deals with modern information technologies inthe activities of prosecutor’s offices. It is stressed that the character and importance of information technologies used by prosecutors can directly or indirectly influence transparency of the prosecutor’s work; professional exercising of their functions; personal security; communication with the law enforcement agencies; improvement of the document flow; access to data and reliable processing of information; effectiveness of managerial and procedural decisions.

Information System for Supporting the Process of Protected Voting

The authors of the article have developed methodological grounds, designed and constructed an information system to implement protected voting. The analysis of the main ways of using information technology in voting area has resulted in the finding that mobile devices with certain software can significantly reduce the number of visits to polling stations, which make political voting much more accessible to people. The authors have designed the information system using a structural approach and design model Data Flow Diagrams (DFD).


The article's urgency of researching the importance of the applied national criteria for the quality of the educational program (CQEP) for higher education institutions (HEI) was established. The approach to group expert assessment of the weight of CQEP for the educational program (EP) in the field of metrology and information-measuring technique was studied. Members of one of the sectoral expert councils on technical specialties are involved in carrying out such assessments.

Information technology for time series forecasting by the method of the forecast scheme synthesis

The study is devoted to the development of information technology for forecasting based on time series. It has been found that it is important to develop new models and forecasting methods to improve the quality of the forecast. Information technology is based on the evolutionary method of synthesis of the forecast scheme grounded on basic forecast models. The selected method allows you to consider any number of predictive models that may belong to different classes.

Digital human rights in the age of globalization

The article examines digital human rights in the era of globalization. It is noted that the emergence of the phenomenon - digital human rights is associated with the emergence of freedom of access to the Internet, as well as the definition of potential "right to be forgotten" (the right to demand deletion of personal data, confidential information about a person from search services).

Grounds for Searching the Best Solution for Controlling the Pressurized Water Reactor in Dynamic Modes when Changing the Controlled Parameters

The article focused on the development of information technology for the optimization of control over complex dynamic systems at the stage of their design that should realize possibilities of modeling of linear and nonlinear dynamic systems, the analysis and synthesis of such systems, their optimization on various quality criteria. The purpose of this article is to develop the structure and elements of information technology to optimize the control of complex dynamic systems, including automated control systems.