інтенсивність руху

Study of the correspondences distribution of vehicle traffic on the road network of cities

The problems of traffic management in large cities are complicated as the increase in traffic volume far exceeds the road network capacity. It leads to saturation of the road network, which negatively affects its functioning. This article analyzes the state of the art of improving the quality of road traffic by predicting the size of traffic after the implementation of traffic management measures. While the issue of modeling traffic flow parameters based on technological factors has been sufficiently studied, the problems of considering the human factor need to be clarified.

Study of time indicators of public transport operation depending on the season of the year

Mobility problems in large cities of Ukraine and Eastern Europe are complicated by the fact that the increase of private transport  volume significantly exceeds street and road network`s capacity. This is most noticeable during peak periods in terms of daylight hours and throughout the year. From the point of sustainable mobility view, this negative phenomenon significantly affects urban public transport, which does not have separate dedicated traffic lines. This article analyzes the issue regarding the deterioration of the transport situation in large cities.

Impact of traffic volume and composition on the change in the speed of traffic flow

The problem of the change in the speed of traffic flow at different traffic volumes and compositions is researched in this study. The section of the road network with different geometric parameters (descent, ascent and horizontal section) was chosen for the study. The method of investigation of traffic flow`s speed and factors which have an impact on the reduction of road network capacity are analyzed.

Minimization of public transport delays at arterial streets with coordinated motion

Research results, using which the method of minimization of public transport delay is improved at intersections with the system of coordinated motion control, are given in this paper. Such transport research was carried out with simultaneous application of field measurements of the study of traffic flow indicators and computer simulation in PTV VISSIM to check the level of efficiency of coordinated control and the reliability of the results.

Minimization of traffic delay in traffic flows with coordinated control

The method and results of transport research, carried out by field research method, on the determination of the main indicators of traffic flows with significant unevenness of the movement on the arterial street in conditions of coordinated control is reviewed in the paper. Time parameters of traffic light control for which a reduction in traffic delay is achieved in direct and opposite traffic flow by the change of permissive signal depending on traffic intensity are determined using the simulation method.

Capacity increasing of arterial streets with controlled motion

The problem of capacity increasing of arterial streets with controlled motion is investigated in this paper. For investigation, sections between intersections on the road network of Lviv city were chosen at their different length and roadway width with most saturated traffic. Methods of capacity increasing of arterial streets with controlled motion and factors that have impact on the capacity reduction are analyzed. Capacity of intersections at different volume-capacity ratios is determined. The distribution of average speed for sections between intersections of different length is built.

Analysis of saturation flow on isolated lanes of controlled intersections with significant traffic intensity

The methods and results of the investigation of intervals between vehicles during queue dissipation before controlled intersections with the further determination of saturation flow are reviewed in this paper. Having reviewed existing methods of determining the saturation in traffic flows, those are determined which provide the most certain results in conditions of intensivemovement and take into account quite a large number of impact factors.

Impact of street parking on delays and the average speed of traffic flow

The article is devoted to the problem of the impact of street parking on delays and the average speed of traffic flow. The sections with different ways of putting vehicles near the roadway in the central part of Lviv city with the most saturated flow were exposed to scientific scrutiny. For this purpose, the program software PTV Vissim is used. The causes of the impact of street parking on traffic flow speed and roadway capacity are analyzed.

Justification of the criteria for allocation of separate lanes for urban public transport

The article is devoted to the methodology and research results of traffic flow parameters on the arterial streets, where different regimes of prioritizing urban public transport operate. The regularities of changes of such parameters make it possible to identify and differentiate the sections of transport network in terms of service efficiency, with the aim to implement various regulatory measures that would help to minimize delays in traffic flow.