
Features of the Conduct of Investigators (Detectives) Action (Interrogation) under the Conditions of the State of Martial

The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of conducting investigative actions
(interrogation) caused by the introduction of martial law on the territory of Ukraine.
The article analyzes the legislative innovations that were established in connection with
the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into the territory of the state, in particular, the
possibility of using as evidence by the court the video recording of the statements that were given

Engagement of a specialist in the interrogation of juvenile victims of violent crimes

The article examines the organization and tactics of conducting and engaging a specialist to interrogate minors who have suffered from violent crimes. The purpose of involving a specialist is to help the investigator obtain reliable testimony using games, fairy tales, and other behavioral methods.

Features of preparation for interrogation of a victim  of fraud

The article examines the features of preparation for interrogation of a victim of fraud, the  essence of forensic aspects of activities during preparation for interrogation of the victim, the  dependence of the content of this process on the type of crime, the investigative situation, the time  between interrogation and interrogation.

Use of tactical receptions in investigation of crimes perfect by the organized criminal groups

In the article maintenance and concept of tactical receptions are considered at carried out inquisitional (search) actions. Features are certain that must be taken into account at the choice of tactical reception during realization of inquisitional (search actions in investigation of crimes accomplished by the organized criminal groups. Basic factors are outlined that influence at choice concrete tactical reception from realization of inquisitional (search) actions in investigation of the marked crimes.