
Опрацювання контекстних даних в інтелектуальному туристичному порталі

Запропоновано підхід до опрацювання знань в інтелектуальному порталі елект- ронного туризму. Цей підхід ґрунтується на моделях знань, що використовують семантично інтерпретовані знання. Продемонстровано використання контекстних даних з бази знань під час опрацювання запитів до порталу.

The Worldview Interpretations of Philosophy and the Problem of Its Scientific Status (Research Article)

 The article discusses the issue of the essence and scientific status of philosophy. The case is made that philosophy is essentially related to worldview, because it revolves around the most general questions about the world, a human being, and its place in the world – worldview questions, or Big Philosophical Questions. This does not mean that philosophy is a worldview, or a collection of worldviews, or a science about worldviews.

Dissemination of knowledge potential in the e-learning process

The key terms in the process of knowledge management and knowledge potential are analyzed. Groups of internal and external factors affecting knowledge potential are indicated. The factors of influence on the choice of electronic educational resources are highlighted. The interaction of participants in the educational process is depicted shematically, particularly in communities of the electronic educational environment. The list of probabilistic selection rules for choosing a source of knowledge and learning is given.

THE KNOWABLE AND THE UNKNOWABLE IN THE DIMENSIONS OF EPISTEMOLOGY. Review of: Petrushenko, V. (2022). Epistemology of Religion. Lviv: Hrad Leva. pp. 220

In this review, we examine the content of the first Ukrainian textbook written by V. Petrushenko, which is devoted to the key issues of epistemology of religion. The review analyses all parts of the work, which comprehensively reveal the most important issues of this section of philosophy, with an emphasis on modern research. The author relies on methodological pluralism in the disclosure of topics, trying to reveal the issues as deeply and thoroughly as possible.

PHILOSOPHICAL HORIZONTS OF VIRTUAL REALITY. Review of: Chalmers, D. (2022). Reality +: Virtual Words and the Problems of Philosophy. New York: W. W. Norton & Company. pp. 503

The review is devoted to the new monograph “Reality +: virtual worlds and problems of philosophy” by the famous philosopher David Chalmers. As can be seen from the title of the book, in it the author examines the philosophical potential of virtual reality for the possible solution of philosophical problems, namely: from ontology (problems of reality and hypotheses about simulation) to values (a good and happy life in virtual reality). 

Нeuristics of canon law: problems of spiritual pedagogy

In canon law as a branch of philosophy of law, a special introduction to it, the relevance begins with the ontological interpretation of the problems of insightful contemplation of metaphysical theology. These problems arise in practical life, then begin again in lectures, continue in seminars and do not end in practical life. The quality of solving these problems is controlled by selected sciences, in particular spiritual pedagogy. The pedagogical activity of spiritual control is headed by the Church. Insight into metaphysical theology stems from Scripture and Sacred Tradition.

Why People Believe All Kinds of Nonsense? Review of : Levy, N. (2022). Bad Beliefs: Why They Happen to Good People. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 188 p.

       The author of the review analyzes the N. Levy’s book. N. Levy considers reasons of beliefs, and conspiracy theories. He has established why contemporary people agree with unreliable ideas. The main conclusion about N. Levy’s book that the improvement of beliefs should focus on the epistemic environment, not on how well people should think.

Theoretical aspects of legal culture perception

Abstract. The main theoretical approaches to understanding the concept and essence of legal culture, its historical development and formation are revealed. The article considers certain definitions of legal culture, including in the branch of law and public administration, formulated by a number of scientists, who mainly focused on the following subject matters of legal culture: law itself, legal awareness, legal relations, law and order, legitimate activities of participants in public relations.

Typical Functionality, Application and Deployment Specifics of Knowledge Management Systems in It Companies

The work is focused on features of knowledge storage and its reuse in companies whose activities are related to software development. The concepts of knowledge, knowledge management and knowledge management systems from the standpoint of their usage in an IT company are given. It is determined that organizational knowledge is divided into explicit, which can be presented in the form of a letter, instructions, reference book, etc., and implicit, which exists only in an employee’s mind directly and cannot be easily extracted.


The article deals with the impact of a phenomenology of perception in the depiction of objects in Ivan Levynsky’s works during a graphic plein air for students of the Institute of Architecture of Lviv Polytechnic National University, held in the summer of 2019. The main idea of ​​the event was to try to depict houses and their details not in a dry and academic manner, but emotionally, the way the author intuitively understands and feels an object.