кримінальна відповідальність

Objective signs of complicity in a criminal offense

The article is devoted to the analysis of objective signs of complicity in a criminal offense.

Objective signs of syphoning are characterized by: a) kilkic sign; b) a yakic sign; c) a single wrongful deduction for all spying students; d) a causal link between the spitting speakers and a single opposite result. The remaining two signs are indispensable for criminal offenses with a material warehouse.

On the effectiveness of public influence on juvenile crime

The article analyzes the issue of preventing juvenile delinquency in Ukraine. It turns out that not always punitive - repressive concept of juvenile delinquency brings a positive result, and, in some cases, on the contrary, leads to the recurrence of criminal offenses.

The low efficiency of work on identifying and prosecuting perpetrators of criminal offenses contributes to the systematic evasion of punishment by criminals. This creates the conditions for new illegal acts and increases the threat to human security.

Causes, types and consequences of false criminalization

The article is devoted to the causes, types and consequences of false criminalization. One of the problems with the criminalization of socially dangerous acts is that various factors can lead to incorrect or so-called erroneous criminalization. Its types are: 1) unjustified criminalization; 2) excessive criminalization; 3) incomplete criminalization; 4) incorrect criminalization. Unjustified (unjustified) criminalization is the recognition of an act as a criminal offense, which is not characterized by sufficient for criminalization nature and degree of harm (danger).

History of the formation of criminal law on the detention of a person who has committed a criminal offense

The article is devoted to the history of the formation of criminal law on the detention of a person who has committed a criminal offense. In the history of domestic criminal law, the first circumstance that excludes the criminality of the act was the state of self-defense, which can be found in “Russian Truth” (Article 26), “Military Article” in 1715 (Article 156), “Regulations on criminal and correctional punishments” of 1845 (art. 107), etc.

Principles of punishment and general principles of punishment: the relationship of concepts

The article is devoted to the relationship between the concepts of “general principles of sentencing” and “principles of sentencing”. In criminal law, the concepts of “general principles of sentencing” and “principles of sentencing” are used in parallel. At first glance, these concepts seem identical. Principles are often defined through general principles, and vice versa – general principles through principles.Common in the legal literature is the position that the general principles have their source in a separate principle of sentencing or a combination thereof.

Preliminary group of persons, group of persons and organized groups: distinction of issues

Abstract. The article is devoted to the delimitation of the concepts of a group of persons by prior agreement, a group of persons and an organized group. It is proved that a lot of difficulties in legal science are caused by the distinction between a group of persons by prior conspiracy and an organized group. In view of this, we consider it expedient to establish differences between these forms of complicity through the disclosure of the characteristics of a group of persons by prior agreement and an organized group.

Concepts, types and general characteristics of corruption offenses

Abstract. The article is devoted to the concept, types and general characteristics of corruption offenses, as corruption is one of the most persistent negative phenomena in the activities of public authorities and administration. It affects all spheres of public life, contributes to the spread of organized crime, creates social tension, creates uncertainty in the population's ability to take organizational and practical measures to overcome the systemic crisis and revive Ukraine.

The principle of justice and its place in the system of principles of punishment

The article is devoted to the analysis of the principle of justice and its place in the system of principles of sentencing. It is proved that the peculiarity of the principle of justice is that it has a complex character, accumulates all other principles. If they are violated, the principle of justice is violated.

Specific issues of criminal liability for domestic violence

The article is devoted to the analysis of criminal liability for domestic violence. According to Article 126-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, domestic violence is defined as intentional systematic commission of physical, psychological or economic violence against a spouse or ex-spouse or another person with whom the perpetrator is (was) in a family or close relationship, leading to physical or psychological suffering, disorders health, disability, emotional dependence or deterioration of the victim’s quality of life.