кримінальна відповідальність

Development of the doctrine of judicial disposal in the history of criminal law

The article analyzes the development of the doctrine of judicial discretion in the history of criminal law. It has been proven that most of the modern theories of judicial discretion are integrative in nature, reflected in modern criminal codes. For example, the French Criminal Code of 1992 relies on the ideas of the school of “new social protection” and on the concepts and institutions developed by the classical school (in the case of the classification of criminal acts, guilt, insanity).

Classification of forms of participation in crime

The article is devoted to the analysis of the question of classification of forms of complicity in crime. It is stated that modern criminal law is quite far from solving the question of a unified approach to the classification of forms of complicity. The current Criminal Code of Ukraine was not able to completely remove the said dispute.

The international experience of regulation of criminalresponsibility for propaganda, planning, preparation, unleashing and conducting of aggressive war

This paper examines the international experience of regulation of criminal responsibility forpropaganda, planning, preparation, unleashing and conductingof aggressive war. On the basis of analysis of orders criminal legislation separate European and most post-Soviet countries the general and excellent lines of the normative regulation this question. Problematic issues and ways of their elimination are determined.

Criminal-law and criminological aspects of domestic violence

The article is devoted to the study of domestic violence issues from the criminal and
criminological point of view. It is noted that nowadays there is a need for a systematic analysis
of the sphere of family and household relations, since new criminologically significant factors
have emerged in this sphere, as well as those factors that have previously acted intensified,
which affected the quantitative and qualitative features of family-domestic relations. Provides
that the amendments to the Criminal code of Ukraine and the introduction of thus criminal

Decriminalization as a method of criminal-legal policy

The article is devoted to the analysis of issues of decriminalization as a method of criminal-legal policy. Summarizing that decriminalization, as a process of official recognition of the fact of the loss of a certain act of social danger and the exclusion of a norm that previously established the criminal responsibility for the said act from the Criminal Code of Ukraine, is one of the most effective methods of criminal-law policy.