legal entity

Positive assessment of a legal entity's activities as a personal non-property benefit

Annotation. In the article research of concept «business reputation» is carried out legal entities as participants of public relations. It is set that the row of the personal unproperty rights for legal entities, among that and right on inviolability of business reputation of legal entities, is envisaged in the article 94 of the Civil code of Ukraine. It is educed that business reputation is the personal unproperty blessing of legal entities.

Ways of improving civil law and procedure in contemporary conditions of legal transformations

The process of changes in legislation is influenced by international global processes, including the unification of legal systems and families, which individuality was previously absolute, the possibility of implementing the legislation of one national legal system into the system of foreign law was not allowed. Therefore, the transformation of social relations directly determines and characterizes both the specifics of the emergence and overcoming of social conflicts, and requires a rethinking of the means of overcoming them.


The article deals with problems of small and medium-sized businesses development in Ukraine. The social and economic functions of small and medium-sized businesses are outlined. Statistical indicators of small and medium-sized businesses and individuals-entrepreneurs activity is analyzed.

Grounds and conditions of civil – legal liability for damage caused by the state bodies and their officials

Questions of liability for damage caused by unlawful actions (inaction) of local selfgovernment bodies or their officials in the exercise of authority, the institute of responsibility before an individual are analyzed and also there are determined grounds for liability for nonpecuniary damage. Causing damage by public authorities, local governments and their officials refers to the special delicts and is a separate kind of responsibility.

Issues of liability of legal entities for violation of privacy

We study the question of criminal liability of legal persons for violation of privacy. The experience of foreign European Union Member States whose legislation contains the relevant rule. The conclusion about the feasibility of supplementing the list of crimes for which responsible legal person and a crime, criminal responsibility for which is stipulated in article 182 of the criminal
code of Ukraine. The author justifies his proposal by the fact that the human right to privacy is one of the fundamental rights provided for in international instruments.