Ways of improving civil law and procedure in contemporary conditions of legal transformations

: 239-245

Rymarchuk R. "Ways of improving civil law and procedure in contemporary conditions of legal transformations"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

The process of changes in legislation is influenced by international global processes, including the unification of legal systems and families, which individuality was previously absolute, the possibility of implementing the legislation of one national legal system into the system of foreign law was not allowed. Therefore, the transformation of social relations directly determines and characterizes both the specifics of the emergence and overcoming of social conflicts, and requires a rethinking of the means of overcoming them. The importance of the analysis of the transformation of social relations is due to changes in the values ​​of modern post-Soviet Union society, resolving problems related to the transition to market relations, establishing the rule of law, etc .; modernization of political and legal processes in society; the need to enhance the authority of state power in society; the need to ensure solidarity and interconnectedness in society; solving issues of a transnational nature, including solving problems of environmental protection, establishing world order, unification of law, protection of human and civil rights and freedoms, etc. In the conditions of transformation of public relations there is an important task of modernizing the content, reorientation to the study of state and legal reality from the angle of generally accepted models of democracy, the functioning of social and legal statehood, mechanisms to ensure and protect human rights and freedoms. State formation in Ukraine also requires rethinking and conceptualizing scientific ideas that relate to the essence of the institutions of the rule of law and civil society, due to the transitional stage of development of the country, the transformation of many spheres of society. Based on the present research, it has been established that the unification of the legislation of different legal systems and families is conditioned upon common objective laws of the formation and development of civilization.

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