
Expanding Horizons: Unleashing the Power of Imagination and Creative Thinking. Review of: Kind, A. (2022). Imagination and Creative Thinking. Cambridge Elements: Philosophy of Mind. Edited by Keith Frankish. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 64 pp.

Amy Kind’s groundbreaking work, «Imagination and Creative Thinking» published by Cambridge University, explores the intricate relationship between imagination and the processes of creative thinking. This research provides a comprehensive and insightful exploration of the profound impact imagination has on human cognition and innovation. By delving into the complexities of this fundamental cognitive ability, Kind’s work proposes to consider a valuable wellspring of creativity.

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Human Jobs (Review of the Monograph George Gilder “Gaming AI”. Seattle: Discovery Institute Press, 2020).

A review of the book “Gaming AI” by the famous American author, economist and co-founder of the Discovery Institute, George Gilder, in which he argues that Artificial Intelligence (AI) cannot think like a man, but can change conditions of a human jobs. Therefore, he expects that in the future AI will be controlled by a man in those types of jobs that are routine and mechanical, as well as help him/her in creativeness.

Thinking vs. Speaking. On the Margin of Kasimir Twardowski’s Papers (Research Article)

Kasimir Twardowski’s article „On clear and unclear philosophical style” is considered as one of his manifests of the Lviv-Warsaw School: clarity of expressing thoughts was one of methodological determinants of this school. Because of some passages in this article, Twardowski is often considered as a philosopher who believed that we may only think in words. In the article, Twardowski’s views on the relation between language and speech are analyzed through the prism of the less known Twardowski’s writings with application of some theoretical distinctions.

Logical structure of thinking in scientific research "Essay Of logic" by Stepan Baley

The scientific heritage of the Ukrainian scientist S. Baley is investigated in the field of the
logic. The structure, problems and terminology of the textbook "Essay of Logic" by S. Baley
are analyzed.In the references the author's styleis unchanged with the knowledge that this is
not about the style and grammar, but about the formation and development of the logic in
Ukrainian science.

Ідеї Феофана Прокоповича в розвитку науки логіки та їхнє значення для сучасної юриспруденції

Досліджено розвиток науки логіки в Україні на основі праць професора Києво-
Могилянської академії, відомого діяча української духовної культури наприкінці XVII –
першої половини XVIII ст. Проаналізовано структуру, проблеми та термінологію курсу
“Логіка” авторства Ф. Прокоповича

Stefan Jaworskiy and his investment in the development of logic science

The development of logical knowledge in Ukraine is based on the work of Professor of the Kyiv-Mohylyanska Academy, a well-known figure in the Ukrainian spiritual culture of the late XVII – first half of the XVIII century. The structure, problems and terminology of the course “Logic” by S. Yavorsky are analyzed.

Descartes' and Pascal's anthropological alternative in the perspectives of post-humanity

The authors analyze two influential philosophical and anthropological positions presented by Descartes and Pascal in the context of the acute problems of contemporary philosophical anthropology. In the article the authors argue that the existence of fundamental differences in the anthropological ideas of the two founders of the modern philosophy and express the belief that these ideas lead to the better understanding the essence of the contemporary anthropological crisis and the possible ways of comprehending of modern trends in the transformation of a human being into a post human being.

Thinking typology in management

The article examines the nature, essence and socio-historical dependency of human thought. The value, features and functions of thinking in management are discovered. The necessity to create typology of thinking is justified. Modern theoretical approaches are overviewed and criteria for classification of the types of thinking are singled out. The types of thinking are classified.  The essence, scope, advantages and disadvantages of practical application of each type of thinking are discovered.