міжнародний досвід

Administrative Contract in the Legal Sphere

In this article, we will consider the role and importance of administrative agreements in modern legal practice. The concept of administrative contracts, its main aspects and impact on the relations between state institutions, citizens and enterprises are considered. Special attention is paid to the legal regulation of administrative contracts, their types and the procedure for their conclusion.

The university clinic as a factor in ensuring the quality of medical education: administrative aspect

The article analyzes the functioning of the university clinic as a factor in ensuring the quality of medical education. It was found that the university clique ensures high quality of medical care and creates conditions for quality education of medical workers. It is proposed to create and/or improve established university clinics in order to improve the quality of medical education in Ukraine. 

Crimes of sexual violence in Ukraine: characteristics and international experience

Annotation. The article examines the normative and legal characteristics of the concept of «violent sexual crime», studies the opinions of Ukrainian scientists regarding the problem of detecting violent sexual crime, and examines the statistical data of the Prosecutor General's Office regarding the frequency of this type of criminal offense.

The foreign experience regarding the peculiarities of differentiation of violent sexual crime in the criminal legal acts of the Kingdom of Spain, the French Republic, and the Republic of Poland was analyzed.

International experience of formation of the state policy in the field of providing financial safety as a complex of national security

The article deals with the main problems of the development of Ukraine’s economy in the context of its identification as a European state, highlights the main external threats to its financial security. The main threats to financial security of Ukraine are analyzed. The experience of leading European countries in the field of formation and ensuring economic security of Ukraine is assessed and summarized, and on this basis, the necessity of strengthening of its main components in modern conditions of society development is proposed.

Providing administrative services Ukraine interior ministry and National police

The article investigates the general principles of legal regulation of administrative services in Ukraine. The concept and types of administrative services. Analyzed the regulations and scientific publications appear in periodicals, mass media and the Internet, covering some issues of administrative services by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the National Police. We consider the operation of the service centers of MIA of Ukraine. The possible directions of improving the quality of administrative services.