
Аналіз сучасних програмних засобів моделювання поширення вірусних захворювань

Розглянуто найпотужніші та найпоширеніші засоби моделювання та прогнозування поширення вірусних захворювань, проаналізовано можливість їх застосування в умовах України та визначено напрям досліджень у галузі прогнозування та аналізу розвитку епідемій.

The influence of the vehicle’s suspension malfunction on its operational efficiency

The main malfunctions that arise when operating a vehicle in Ukraine are the failure of the suspension elements and vehicle tires due to the poor condition of the most roads [11]. The car suspension elements soften the dynamic loads and smooth out the oscillations from the unevenness on the road while riding and provide a good stability and smoothness of the car ride.

Computer 3D modelling of chip geometry and force field in the hobbing process

Nowadays, the main method of machining the gears with a module in the range 1–25 mm, which are integral parts of modern machines, remains hobbing. Operations of the toothed crown processing determine the efficiency of the entire technological process of manufacturing gears. Thus, the time expenses and performance, the cost of the gears, and their final quality depend to a large extent on these indicators in operations of hobbing.

Modeling of Innovative Development of Administration of Ooutsourcing Activities of It-Market Enterprises

Outsourcing provides IT companies with a number of benefits and improves the financial and economic performance of their operations. The outsourcing market in Ukraine is developing fast, many types of outsourcing are used in various types of economic activity. Implementation of outsourcing as one of the most popular business models necessitates constant and well-coordinated cooperation with other business entities.


The article is devoted to computer modeling of the process of cavitation in liquid
mediums. The experimental researches of the regularities of the cavitation process was
conducted, dependences of changes in the parameters of the process efficiency on the
concentration of the solution and the frequency of vibration are shown. A solid– state model of
a laboratory vibration resonance electromagnetic cavitator in SolidWorks 2016 Educational
Edition software system was created. Based on the modeling of the cavitation process, the main

Determination of Hydro-Erosion Wear Coefficient for Sealing Elements of Pipeline Fittings

A model of hydro-erosion wear of sealing elements was constructed taking into account a set of parameters that reflect the physical properties of the fluid and the material of the sealing elements, as well as the design parameters of the valves. To determine the dependence of the rate of erosion wear on a complex of parameters, we use the π-theorem of similarity and the method of dimension analysis. An expression is given that determines the change in the thickness of the erosive fracture of the sealing surfaces in time.

Simulation of transients for designing multiple power filter circuits

The practice of operating multiple single-tuned filters in industrial power supply systems has shown that technological transformer capacitors in switching filters within the systems can cause the damage of filters. The most disturbing loads on the power supply systems are powerful AC arc furnaces. Static Var compensators used in the power supply systems contain multiple harmonic filters for harmonic mitigation and reactive power compensation.

Методи і засоби проектування мікропотокових МЕМС типу LAB-ЧІП

In the article a hydrodynamic flow model for microfluidic MEMS is presented. Methods and tools for design automation of microfluidic flows were applied. The possibilities of modern CAX tools for the simulation and optimization of fluid flow in microchannels were analyzed.

Моделювання розпилювання колоди розвальним способом на пиломатеріали з урахуванням її реальної форми

Mathematical model of log sawing to parallel of linear regressive axis by through-andthrough method into lumber with consideration of surface shape of real logs based on results of scanning for surface shape of log cross sections was developed. The features of calculation for mathematical model of sawing pattern taking account log rotation or sawing pattern around log axis at the fixed angle under cutting (sawing) by vertical and horizontal cutting planes were validated.

Алгоритм синтезу SPICE схем заміщення гальваномагнітних перетворювачів Холла

The work presents an algorithm of synthesis of SPICE equivalent circuits for galvanomagnetic sensors based on Hall devices. By means of typical library elements circuits were composed in order to take into account magnetic values and sensor’s orthogonal coordinates that are not supported by SPICE. The obtained modeling results fit the results of experimental investigations and form the basis of the sensor’s calibration procedure.