The practice of operating multiple single-tuned filters in industrial power supply systems has shown that technological transformer capacitors in switching filters within the systems can cause the damage of filters. The most disturbing loads on the power supply systems are powerful AC arc furnaces. Static Var compensators used in the power supply systems contain multiple harmonic filters for harmonic mitigation and reactive power compensation. For examining the impact of the supply system and filter configuration on transient overvoltages and overcurrents in the reactor and capacitor bank of the filter during switching events, an arc furnace power supply system was chosen as an example. The transient analysis has been carried out by simulating transients within Matlab/Simulink software. In the research, the most typical switching events and harmonic impact on the transient overvoltages have been analysed. The paper focuses on the selection of ratings for capacitors and air-core reactors used in multiple single-tuned harmonic filter configurations based on the ANSI/IEEE Standards and the results of transient simulations. The comparison of reactor and capacitor bank ratings of the filter circuits selected on the base of steady state operation and transient requirements has been shown.
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