Key Aspects of Organic Laws in the Context of Meta-Anthropology of Society

: pp. 87 - 94

Цитування за ДСТУ: Ковальчук В. (2024) Ключові аспекти органічних законів в контексті метаантропології суспільства. Вісник Національного університету «Львівська політехніка». Серія: "Юридичні науки". Том. 11, № 4 (44), С. 87-94. DOI:

Citation APA: Kovalchuk V. (2024) Key Aspects of Organic Laws in the Context of Meta-Anthropology of Society. Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: “Legal Sciences”. Vol. 11, № 4 (44), С. 87-94. DOI:

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education

Abstract. Modern global changes require a rethinking of the basic laws of society's functioning in conditions of uncertainty and dynamic social processes. Organic laws, which determine the internal stability and ability of society to adapt, are becoming the object of increased interest among researchers of philosophical and legal science. The study of these laws in the context of meta-anthropology allows us to reveal deeper relationships between social evolution and ontological aspects of human existence, which determines the relevance of the research. 

The scientific novelty of this research lies in the synthesis of organic laws of social evolution and the concept of meta-anthropology, which allows us to rethink the patterns of social development in a new way. It is important to analyze the interaction of these laws in the context of modern challenges - environmental, social and economic. The research reveals new possibilities of using organic laws to build harmonious social structures. 

The methodological basis of the research is a combination of system analysis and a synergistic approach. The methods of corporate analysis, meta-anthropological approach and socio-philosophical reflection are used, which allow to comprehensively investigate the impact of organic laws on social stability and development. 

The lack of detailed research on the interaction of organic laws and metaanthropology determines the novelty and necessity of scientific research. 

Starting to highlight the influence of organic laws on the stability and development of society, we will emphasize that organic laws, as systemic principles that ensure harmony and coherence of social relations, play a key role in ensuring the stability and progress of society. Their influence is not limited to moral-ethical or spiritual aspects, but also extends to the economic, political and cultural spheres.

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