Law enforcement activities and martial status:moral and legal features

: 89-94
Romanova A. Law enforcement activities and martial status:moral and legal features.

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education

It has found that during the war it is important to find a moral and legal balance of the development and existence of society, which will help to "keep" society in a state of lawful behavior not because of fear of punishment, but on the basis of understanding one's own moral responsibility not only before the law, but also before the next generations.

It is emphasized that law enforcement activity is one of the main spheres of the life of the state and society, which in the difficult war period should ensure the rule of law and the observance of law and order, basing its activity on the value and legal principles of Ukrainian society. To the task of representatives of law enforcement agencies is added a certain psychological work on clarifying the specifics of certain restrictions associated with a change in the usual rhythm of life.

It is been proven that during martial law, moral principles, together with legal norms, influence decision-making by representatives of law enforcement agencies, and during the war, law enforcement officers also experience moral and psychological exhaustion and need some rehabilitation. That is why the role of psychological training and consulting centers in the law enforcement system is growing. This problem is important in view of the post-traumatic syndrome of both citizens who survived the horrors of war and law enforcement officers.

It is noted that moral principles support and sanction in a generalized form the social foundations of life, social order, communication, and with the help of morality, the behavior of a person is coordinated with the interests of society, contradictions between them are overcome, and interpersonal communication is regulated.

Attention is focused on the problem of observing the rights and freedoms of citizens, respect for human dignity, the national interests of the state, which are based on the value principles of the existence of Ukrainian society, which are provided not only by the norms of the positive law of the state, but also by moral regulations.

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