нечітка логіка

Розділення території на економічні складові в умовах невизначеності

Запропоновано модель розподілу території на економічні зони з використанням методів теорії нечітких множин.

Model of separation of territory on economic zones with by use of methods of the theory of fuzzy sets is offered.

Methods of Semantic Analysis in Annotated Generalization of Text Documents

The article is devoted to the use of semantic analysis in the generalization of text documents. The analysis of features of the most widespread methods of generalization of text documents and an estimation of quality of results of an estimation is carried out. Features of the improved method of annotative generalization of text documents, which uses the principles of hidden semantic analysis and elements of fuzzy logic to identify semantically important sentences, are presented.

The Main Cluster Node Formation in Wireless Sensory Networks

In wireless sensor networks, the clustering method is often used to transmit information, which is one of the most energy efficient approaches. Since the master cluster node interacts with other nodes in the network, a node with a high residual energy is selected to perform its functions. The technology of selecting the main node based on fuzzy logic, which involves the use of a number of input parameters, the effect of which is demonstrated in the article, is proposed.

Application of a Fuzzy Particle Filter to Observe a Dynamical System States in Real Time

One of the key problems in the implementation of closed-loop control systems is to measure all states of a dynamic system, especially, when there are severe environmental conditions. Consequently, the use of certain types of sensors is impossible for technical or economic reasons. Also, in electromechanical systems, there are a lot of values that cannot be directly measured by physical sensors. Thus, mathematical algorithms named as observers and estimators are in use to calculate the states of the dynamic system utilizing math model and available set of sensors.

Прийняття оптимальних рішень методом навчання з нечіткою логікою

Досліджується проблема оптимального прийняття рішень в умовах невизначеності за допомогою марківських методів навчання з нечіткою логікою. Описано структуру та функції системи прийняття рішень на основі продукційних правил нечіткої логіки. Специфіковано етапи перетворення нечітких даних під час логічного виведення рішень. Наведено та проаналізовано результати комп’ютерного моделювання нечіткого прийняття рішень у клітинному просторі.

Інтелектуальна система підтримки прийняття рішень при діагностиці фізіологічного стану тварин

Запропоновано підхід до побудови інтелектуальної системи підтримки прийняття рішень при діагностиці фізіологічного стану тварин, зокрема маститу і стану статевої охоти, на основі апарату нечіткої логіки. Розглянуто організацію знань, алгоритм роботи та структуру системи. Доведено адекватність діагностики.

Neuro-fuzzy Genetic Algorithm of Optimization of Rehabilitation Therapy Plans

Proposed method of optimization of rehabilitation therapy plans using a genetic algorithm. For evaluation of alternatives generated during the optimization process, a fuzzy algorithm with neuro defazification – T-Controller, was used. Developed method tested on samples based on real plans of rehabilitation therapy.

Establishment of connections between customer demands and properties of a product using the method of QFD and FUZZY LOGIC

Now for the developed countries of the world community is inherent to ensure quality by organizational and management measures, namely development, implementation, certification and continuous improvement of quality systems. Proceedings of the outstanding scientists of the twentieth century W. Shewhart, W. E. Deming, Joseph M. Juran (first introduced the concept of “quality control”), F. Crosby, K. Ishikawa, Armand V. Feigenbaum, H. Taguchi, T. Seyfi formed a modern strategy based on the application of quality management systems (QMS).

Intellectual Vertical Handover Algorithm in Heterogeneous Mobile Network Based on Cloud Technology

In this work has been increased quality of service in mobile systems based on efficient network and radio utilization of resources of heterogeneous network and optimal procedure of intellectual vertical handover based on cloud technology and fuzzy logic. Thus a novel network selection mechanism using intelligent agents has been proposed, which select the best network based on QoS parameters uses theory of fuzzy sets.

Algorithm for Clusterization, Aggregation and Prioritization of M2m Devices in Heterogeneous 4g/5g Network

The transition to building Smart City, Smart House and other places using M2M imposes tight network requirements. This includes delays, bandwidth, transmission duration. When introducing M2M, an important feature is reducing the sensor’s power consumption when transmitting information and the amount of signaling information to the 4G/5G mobile heterogeneous network base station. To do this, the paper proposes to combine sensors into clusters in which the main sensor acts as a gateway for all others.