перехідні процеси

The Method of Calculating the Heat Transfer Coefficient in the Heliosystems with Laminar and Transient Modes of Heat Carrier Flow Movement Structured Into Parts

In this study, a new method of choosing classical empirical equations for calculating heat transfer coefficients in the tubes of a shell-and-tube heat exchanger in the transient mode is proposed. This method is based on the fact that the flow is structured into a laminar boundary layer (LBL) zone and a turbulized part, and the heat transfer coefficient is calculated through the transient and turbulent heat conductivity, as well as the average thickness of the LBL and, accordingly, the average thickness of the rest of the coolant flow.

The Influence of Limited Bit on the Implementation of the Transfer in Digital System

The unexploring problem of digital control systems analyzes in this article — the impact on their behavior of the limited bit resolution of the hardware and, accordingly, the discrete transfer functions coefficients. The research conducted by the zeros/poles and transient characteristics methods using the mathematical application MATLAB with the package Control System Toolbox and confirmed the relevance of this problem.

Optimization of the Electromechanical System by Formation of a Feedback Matrix Based On State Variables

The task of providing the required dynamic performance of technical systems is one of the main tasks of the automatic control theory. The synthesis of such systems is carried out based on certain criteria that characterize control quality. Today the most common criterion of the functioning of a dynamic system is an integral quadratic form, which includes not only the coordinates of the object, and also the control influences.

Modeling Circuit-breaker Ultra-high Voltage for Analysis Transients Processes in Electrical Engineering Systems of Energy Transfer

On the basis of a generalized interdisciplinary (interdisciplinary) method of mathema- tical modeling, which is based on modifications of the integral variational principle of Ha- milton-Ostrogradsky, proposed mathematical model of the ultra-high voltage circuit-breaker the main emphasis of which is placed on modeling work the mechanism of moving his contacts.

Analysis of Transients in Transmission Lines That Connect Substation “zakhidnoukrayins’ka” and Substation “vinnyts’ka”

The paper on the basis of interdisciplinary approaches presented mathematical model of the electric power system, a key element of which is the power line that connected substation “Zakhidnoukrayins’ka” — substation “Vinnyts’ka”. On this basis, the analysis of transients in the power line to single-line performance. Results transients are presented as figures which analyzed.

Математична модель каскаду «однофазний двопівперіодний випрямляч – мотор постійного струму з паралельним збудженням»

Наведено математичну модель каскаду: однофазний двопівперіодний
випрямляч з двома вентилями – мотор постійного струму з паралельним збудженням, а також запропоновано метод аналізу перехідних та усталених режимів його роботи.