підвищення кваліфікації

Training and formation of public administration in Ukraine: current situation and new vision

The article analyzes the current state of civil service personnel formation. Attention is drawn to the existing problems in this area: the imperfection of competitive procedures and vocational training's inefficiency. The normative-legal basis of the construction of state personnel is investigated. Emphasis is placed on the importance of an individual civil servant program, which forecasts the needs of a civil servant and considers the unique needs of a civil servant.

On question of functioning of advocatory self-government in Ukraine

The article is devoted to a consideration of some problematic issues of functioning of the advocatory self-government in Ukraine. It is accentuated on its importance as a non-governmental
institute created for the independent resolution of self-organization and advocacy activities. The tasks entrusted to units of advocatory self-government are considered. Attention is drawn to problems of

Features of using e-learning technologies in training teachers of computer science

The article is discusses the operational experience of teachers Mykolayiv Regional Inservice Teacher Training Institute, to introduce blended improvement of professional skill’s form computer science teachers using the ability of distance learning platform’s Moodle, services Web 2.0, as new forms of life-long learning computer science teachers, determine the factors that prevent from professional development of teachers, and features the use of distance learning technologies in system improvement of professional skill.