
Pyrolysis Processing of Polymer Waste Components of Electronic Products

The recycling of ABS plastic as a component of electronic and electrical equipment waste by the method of low-temperature pyrolysis is shown and substantiated as well as obtaining alternative sources of energy: pyrolysis liquid, gas mixture, and pyrocarbon. The main components of electronic and electrical equipment waste, which consists of plastic and refractory oxides, along with copper and iron compounds, were analyzed. The composition of precious, toxic, rare, basic metals, and plastic waste is given.

Study on Regularities of Polyethylene Waste Low-Temperature Pyrolysis

A low-temperature pyrolysis with pyrocondensate as a target product is one of the options for processing polyethylene waste. The fractional composition and properties of the pyrocondensate obtained at different temperatures and times were studied. Pyrocondensate was separated into gasoline, diesel fractions, and the residue. The composition and properties of mentioned fractions were established and related to the conditions of the pyrolysis process. X-ray fluorescence analysis of pyrocondensate and narrow fractions isolated from it was carried out.

Study on the Composition and Properties of Pyrolysis Pyrocondensate of Used Tires

A low-temperature pyrolysis, the target product of which is pyrocondensate, is one of the options for the recycling usedtires. The fractional composition and properties of pyrocondensate of rubber waste pyrolysis obtained at an industrial plant have been studied. The pyrocondensate was separated into gasoline, diesel fraction and residue. The composition and properties of obtained productswere determined using X-ray fluorescence analysis and IR spectroscopic studies.


One of the options for the disposal of worn car tires is low-temperature pyrolysis, the target product of which is pyrocondensate. The fractional composition and properties of pyrocondensate of pyrolysis of rubber waste obtained at an industrial plant are studied. The pyrocondensate was separated into gasoline and diesel fraction and residue. The composition and properties of these fractions have been studied in detail. X-ray fluorescence analysis and IR spectroscopic studies of pyrocondensate and narrow fractions isolated from it were performed. 


The world's growing population and, as a result, higher consumption of goods and services have led to a rapid increase in municipal solid waste. This situation creates serious environmental problems that require clear strategies for managing this waste. Improving the efficiency of recycling to restore quality materials, saving resources and maintaining waste in landfills are among the most pressing problems of our time.

Розширення сировинної бази для одержання нижчих олефінів в Україні

The article deals with the problems of ethylene and propylene production in the world. The optimal parameters of the pyrolysis process are described. The alternative types of raw materials are analyzed. Hydrocracking vacuum gasoil, straight-run gasoil vacuum obtained from the West-Ukrainian oil, as well as dewaxing filtrate are proposed as raw materials.  Наведено дані щодо виробництва етилену і пропілену у світі. Описано оптимальні параметри проведення процесу піролізу.