
Peculiarities of Nanomodified Portland Systems Structure Formation

Regulation of hydration processes on nanostructure scale due to the competition adsorption modifying of hydration products by polycarboxylate and adding of nanosized C-S-H nuclei allows promoting homogeneous distribution of solid phase in the structure of cement paste on the micro- and nanolevel, provides the growth of contact amount between hydrates, results rapid structure formation and strength synthesis of Portland cement system.

The structure formation features of gypsum-lime composite binders for non-autoclaved aerated concrete

The crystalline phases of hydration products of the gypsum-lime binder were identified using XRD analysis. The physical and chemical regularities of the structure formation processes in the model system “gypsum – quicklime – metakaolin – amorphous silica – water – borax” were established. The influence of the quicklime type and gypsum binder brand on the morphology and the size of the calcium sulfate dihydrate crystals were investigated.


The work is devoted to the actual direction of development of the construction industry - to increase the strength of concrete structures and products on the basis of portland cement due to the introduction of mixing with water in the composition of the raw mix of special applications. The promising addition is pre-vibroactivated lime.


The development of the technology of new binders and concrete involves the following stages: the selection and preparation of materials, designing the composition in accordance with requirements, preparation of the mixture and the formation of products, initial curing and setting, further hardening. All these stages are united in a single complex, in which each stage has its own special significance and simultaneously affects the efficiency of the entire technological complex.

Особливості структуроутворення безклінкерних композиційних в’яжучих при високих водотвердих відношеннях

Розглянуто основні причини зсідання мінеральних в’яжучих матеріалів та виробів на їх основі, зокрема неавтоклавного ніздрюватого бетону. Досліджено фізико-механічні показники гіпсовапняного каменю за різних водотвердих відношень і вплив вмісту метакаоліну на експлуатаційні характеристики в'яжучого. За допомогою оптичного мікроскопа визначено зміну відносного розширення композиційного каменю в часі. Методом РФА встановлено основні кристалічні фази в системах гіпс-вапно та гіпс-вапно-метакаолін.