
Ways of improving civil law and procedure in contemporary conditions of legal transformations

The process of changes in legislation is influenced by international global processes, including the unification of legal systems and families, which individuality was previously absolute, the possibility of implementing the legislation of one national legal system into the system of foreign law was not allowed. Therefore, the transformation of social relations directly determines and characterizes both the specifics of the emergence and overcoming of social conflicts, and requires a rethinking of the means of overcoming them.

Aesthetic aspect in law

It has been found that the problem of the aesthetic culture of a lawyer as a manifestation of spirituality belongs to those humanitarian problems that are called "eternal". It is especially relevant in dramatic periods of human history, one of which is now, in particular, experienced in Ukraine, when fundamentally new life phenomena and circumstances adjust the ways and means of life choice and social self-determination of individuals.

Legal facts in the structure of a law enforcement activity

The article analyzes the legal facts of the subject of law enforcement activity, which is complex, multifaceted, so it is not surprising that it is thoroughly studied by such theoretical sciences as theory of state and law, philosophy of law, as well as special disciplines as judicial and law enforcement agencies of Ukraine, operationally activity, criminal law, criminal law and others. This article is devoted to methodological, theoretical, legal and applied problems of legal facts in the field of law enforcement.

Concept, content and place of compatibility in the activities of the lawyer

The article is devoted to the review of the notion of the principle of adversarialism and
the proof of a reasonable relationship between the competition principle, the equality of the
parties and the activity of the court in order to ensure equality of evidence of the parties’
capabilities, which should be in line with the tendencies towards the socialization of the
functions of justice.

The accuracy of administrative process interpretation by the disputed of legal nature

In the article disputed nature of administrative process is investigational through the prism of analysis of legal relationships of administrative justice and administrative responsibility. Normative regulation and theoretical interpretations of category are analysed “administrative process”.

Some of the features of administrative legal status subjects of tax relations

In the scientific article the specific features of administrative and legal status of tax relations. The concept of “legal” and “legal tax entity”.
Reveals the characteristics of tax relations. Emphasized that the tax relationship are defined by categories such as object relationship, the subject of relationships, rights and duties of relationships, the base of relations.

Legal views of s.dnistryans’kyi on major economic categories in the context of austrian law

In the article the general theoretical aspects Stanislav Dnistrians’kyi views on basic economic concepts in their relationship with the law. The opinions scholar capital, credit, the product.Displaying their interpretation of Austrian law.The influence of past and current S. Dnistrians’ky ilegal and economic ideas in his vision of the basic economic phenomena and processes.