The article analyzes the legal facts of the subject of law enforcement activity, which is complex, multifaceted, so it is not surprising that it is thoroughly studied by such theoretical sciences as theory of state and law, philosophy of law, as well as special disciplines as judicial and law enforcement agencies of Ukraine, operationally activity, criminal law, criminal law and others. This article is devoted to methodological, theoretical, legal and applied problems of legal facts in the field of law enforcement. The study of legal facts in the field of law enforcement is also due to the fact that, first of all, in modern conditions there is a need for a theoretical understanding of legal facts in the field of law enforcement activities, taking into account changes that have occurred in the procedural, substantive fields of law and judicial practice; second, there are no specific theoretical developments on legal facts in law enforcement activities; third, there are difficulties in the law enforcement practice in interpreting the grounds and timing of the emergence of relevant relationships, rights and responsibilities of citizens; fourthly, the grounds for the emergence of law enforcement relations are provided by the norms of different branches of law, which testifies not only to the diversity of classifications of legal facts, but also to the corresponding diversity of interests of subjects of law enforcement relations. The problem of exploring the concept and content of law enforcement goes back to the times when there was a need for law as a regulator of social relations, when the protection of the interests of individuals and society as a whole was assumed by the state. In the process of applying legal norms, law enforcement subjects are carefully examining the nature of the person's will by analyzing the circumstances of the case. Characteristic of law enforcement is the division of legal facts, taking into account the classification of legal acts of law enforcement entities into two large groups: acts of public law enforcement entities and private law enforcement.
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