публічна служба

Development and implementation of new organizational structures in the public sector

Formulation of the problem. Effective operation and recovery of Ukraine during the wartime and post-war periods require the implementation of new organizational structures in the public sector aimed at ensuring the provision of high-quality public services. The existing principles of organizational design have their drawbacks and advantages, and they have the property of changing under the influence of external factors. It is necessary to consider these factors when developing effective organizational structures with defined objectives.

The aspect of balance in the implementation of the principle of openness and transparency of the civil service institute: the issue of “Cyber sovereignity”

The article is devoted to the definition of aspects of balance in the implementation of the principle of openness and transparency of the civil service institute, as well as consideration of this issue in the context of the challenges of the information society, in particular, in relation to "cyber-sovereignization".

Globalization as a New Type of Society Development and Management in the Scope of a New Geostrategic Reality Establishment

Problem setting. Compared to other post-Soviet states, Ukraine is maximally open to globalization. Consequently, it is more and more affected by the destructive manifestations of globalization. Such openness, which fully corresponds to the structure of the Ukrainian mentality, is, on the one hand, a powerful factor in the modernization dynamics of social development, and on the other – a brake on the formation and implementation of its own nationally regulated development strategy.

The definition of main aspects of the status of servant in the sphere of public service

The main aspects of status of public servant as legal, organizational, functional and competence are considered. The functional aspect of servant status in the context of analysis of the competence of the public authority is defined. The legal aspects of status of public servant are generalized. The competence aspect of status of public servant in the sphere of public service is revealed.

Legal bases of transformation of human resources management in the system of civil service of Ukraine

Problem setting. Ukraine is on the path of systemic institutional transformations, which consist in modernization of the civil service and human resources management, formation of a new personnel policy with the use of modern HR technologies, the implementation of which is impossible without proper legislative support.

Rights of civil servants as the basis of their legal status

Problem setting. The civil servant is one of the main objects of public service reform and, at the same time, its subject. This is due to the fact that civil servants, as representatives of the senior public service, are the main actors in the formation of reform policy in the field of public service, as well as, subject to regulatory legislation, catalysts for its implementation. At the same time, transformational changes affect the legal status of public servants, which in turn affects the formation of their rights and responsibilities.

Integrity as a component of activities of public officials in the context of the fight against corruption

The article analyzes the content of the principle of integrity in the public service. We emphasize that integrity is one of the tools to prevent corruption and an integral part of the civil service culture.

The legal regulation of integrity rules among public officials is studied. Anti-corruption strategies that serve as a guide for overcoming corruption in the state are analyzed.