
Evolution and Religious Experience. Review of Johan De Smedt’s and Helen De Cruz’s book "The Challenge of Evolution to Religion" - University Printing House, Cambridge, 2020. – 76 p.

The author of the review analyzes the book that focuses on three challenges of evolution to religion: teleology, origin of a human being, and the evolution of religion itself. De Smedt and Helen De Cruz show how these tensions arise and offer potential responses for religion. Individual religions can meet these challenges, if some of their metaphysical assumptions are adapted or abandoned.

Crimes against religious freedoms: foreign experience

The article is devoted to the analysis of criminal legal protection of religious freedoms of
citizens in foreign countries. Analyzing the content of the criminal law of many countries in the
world, related to the protection of religious freedoms of citizens, concluded that most of them
provide for such rules.At the same time, some of the existing Criminal Code do not criminalize
acts in this area. Such, for example, is the Criminal Code of France, the Criminal Code of

To Look In Order To Wonder: Phenomenologic and Ethymologic Analysis of a Miracle (Research Article)

In the article about the miracle, the author sketches briefly the history of philosophy of miracle, in which the miracle appears as a manifestation of the significance of being and truth in this world. The miracle is considered from Antiquity (Plato and Aristotle) till contemporary phenomenologists, who are the representatives of the theological or religious turn in phenomenology (Marion, Manoussakis, Kearney).

Formation of the new type of a human and transformation of religiosity in the information society

The article analyses religion of a modern person, considering the role of the Internet and virtual reality in the information society. Modern society is an open information society in which the main role in economic,  political and cultural development is information. There can be distinguished the following features of Information Society: fast growing of electronic information resources, free dissemination of information and free access to it.