
Модель абстрактної підсистеми комп’ютерної інформаційної системи генерування коду

Описано модель створеного розширення функційних унітермів. Наведено синте- зовану модель декомпозиції абстрактної підсистеми комп’ютерної системи генерування програмного коду. Описано побудовані моделі функційних унітермів. Наведено приклад фрагментів програмної реалізації синтезованої моделі абстрактної підсистеми.

Diversification of Foreign Economic Activities of Domestic Carpet Market Enterprises

At the present stage of dynamic development of the world economy, active processes of interpenetration of technologies and capital, expansion of economic relations, economic entities are increasingly faced with various socio-economic challenges. In view of this, the role of foreign economic activity is increasing not only for economic entities, but also for the country as a whole, since all systemic transformations of the economy affect the characteristic features of the development of the specified sphere of activity.

Using inverse filtering to increase the resolution IR images

The aim of the work is to increase the resolution of IR images obtained as a result of monitoring thermal objects. Methodology. It is known, an optical system сan not date a CCD point picture thermal object. Instead picture diffraction spots, have significant deterioration in quality thermal image which has a reduced effect with defraction. This is an urgent system task useful in the formative and processing signal.

Research of influence of different factors to the resolution of space remote sensing systems

A mathematical model of the influence of major factors on the resolution of space imaging systems is presented. The dependence of modulation transfer function by the factors affecting on image quality and the natural conditions of imaging is determined.