

The paper investigates computer diagnostic systems, their architectures, methods, and algorithms used in their work to diagnose cancer, including breast, lung, brain, and other tumors.

Traditional and neural network methods for image segmentation and classification are analyzed and compared, and diagnostic tools in medicine are analyzed.

The key approaches to medical image processing are investigated, in particular, the analysis of segmentation methods based on U-Net networks and classification using convolutional neural networks.

Метод підвищення ефективності алгоритму DyXy шляхом сегментації мережі на зони завантаженості

Запропоновано метод підвищення ефективності алгоритму DyXY шляхом сегментації мережі на основі статистичних даних та відносної пропускної характеристики елементів. За цим методом, за наявності кількох вільних альтернативних маршрутів пакет відправляється до сегмента, в якого вища пропускна характеристика. Так зменшується ризик простою пакета через зайнятість транзитного отримувача.

Board games market of Ukraine: current state and development prospects

The analyzed market of board games is quite widespread in the world. This market is only gaining momentum and becomes interesting in the future in Ukraine, as it is potentially large-scale and not yet saturated with goods. Indeed, the market is gradually changing and there was a particular jump during the lockdown when people got into board games. Therefore, the article reviews the board games market, which, due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, had a different impact on the enterprise’s activities in this field of activity.

Software System for End-Products Accounting in Bakery Production Lines Based on Distributed Video Streams Analysis

Among the main requirements of modern surveillance systems are stability in the face of negative influences and intellectualization. The purpose of intellectualization is that the surveillance system should perform not only the main functions such as monitoring and stream recording but also have to provide effective stream processing. The requirement for this processing is that the system operation has to be automated, and the operator's influence should be minimal. Modern intelligent surveillance systems require the development of grouping methods.

A study of methods for texture classification of SEM images of micro-surfaces of objects and their segmentation

Purpose. The goal of this work was to develop and study the methods of texture classification of SEM images of micro surfaces of objects based on the statistical and spectral characteristics of texture fragments, as well as a comparative analysis of segmentation methods of SEM images. Methods. The determination of the texture characteristics was based on statistical moments computed by the brightness histogram of a SEM- image or its region. The spectral measures of texture of SEM image were based on properties of the Fourier spectrum.

Application of mathematical morphology methods in terms of erosive processes research using aerial photography materials

Object of study. Planned distribution establishment of erosive “spots” of the agricultural lands is based on the processing of binary images of aerial photographic materials using morphological and planimetric methods of analysis. Methodology. Offered methodology is based on the non-linear operators’ application.

Strategic Segmentation of Customers in the Market of Primary Real Estate

The authors emphasize the special significance of customer service on the primary market of residential real estate. There is carried out segmentation of the primary real estate market with the account of such a criterion as a residential housing class. There are singled out the following segments of this market: premium-segment, business-segment, comfort- segment, and economy-segment. The features of each market segment are described.