
Portable System for Sampling Liquid Atmospheric Precipitation

The paper considers the possibility of determining the permanent and random sources of pollution of the environment by the level of pollution of liquid atmospheric precipitation. The problems of liquid atmospheric precipitation testing and monitoring of pollution concentration during precipitation are outlined. The expediency of developing of a portable system that allows collecting samples of liquid atmospheric precipitation in autonomous modes at different time intervals and periods of rainfall, regardless of the place of its installation, is substantiated.


The  structural  and  functional  diagrams  of  the  thermoanemometric  type  sensor  for measuring  the mono-  and biphasic  (liquid  +  gas) medium  by  the  pulsating  nature  of  the  flow  are  presented.  The  temperature  distribution  in  the  sensor environment is considered and the sensing elements are not in contact with the inner surface of the sensor body.

Програмна апроксимація термометричних характеристик діодного сенсора температури в ОС Android

The method of calibrating diode temperature sensors, based on a combination of two generalized methods: spline interpolation and approximation using orthogonal Chebyshev polynomials. The program of implementation of the OS Android. The established requirements for calibration carried out to obtain the final result thermometric curve as accurately as possible. It automates the process of obtaining the interpolation table and optimize calibration procedure. The method for approximating the characteristics tested termodiod sensor type DT-471 company Lake Shore.

Temperature Dependence Estimation of the Vibration and Frequency Sensor Resonator Mechanical State

The complex of technological and metrological researches concerning development of filamentous monocrystals application and fixing methods on various materials of substrate (elastic elements) is considered. The ways of uncontrolled distortions avoiding of the initial monocrystal defect-free structure that can occur at the nodes of its mounting and reduce the Q-value of the resonator oscillations, which is the main characteristic of the tensotransducer quality, is shown.


Department “Information and measurement technologies” of Lviv Polytechnic National University raises the training of masters and specialists in metrology and measuring technology to the higher level with support of “IFM Еlectronic” that is world-wide company in development and production of smart sensors and automation elements.

Design of a short-time energy saving tank for light weight electric transport vehicles

The paper suggests the approach to the design of a short-time energy saving reservoir for light-weight electric transport vehicles. It is substantiated that the new product will be energysaving and will ensure gains in traction and braking force. CATIA was chosen as the most proper environment for the design as its libraries are the most suitable for machine-building.

The Algorithm of Sensor Network Lifetime Maximization Using the Concept of Virtual Nodes

One of the main problems of the requirements of quality of service of wireless sensor networks is to provide fault tolerance. Based on research on energy nodes and routing data, efficiency is paramount to increase the lifetime of the network [1]. In this paper an algorithm of network lifetime maximization is proposed as a promising solution towards a distributed application deployment in wireless sensor networks. There are three cost functions: reading, processing and transmission information; the concept of virtual nodes, which are copies of real nodes.

Optimization of Technological Parameters of Magazine Sensor for Nuts

The article deals with the general functioning of magazine for nuts, which provides the mechanized feeding of nuts into the head of the thread and screwed up device and their removal from the head during assembly and disassembly of threaded connections of machenes. The magazine is equipped with the signaling sensor of feed of nuts into the head, which contains the tore elastic ring. The sensor moves periodically together with the supplied nuts, due to their coverage on a hexagon by the internal deformed opening of the torus ring, when feeding the compressed air into it.