штучний інтелект

Умови, стратегія та перспективи розвитку інформаційних технологій

Розкрито сучасне розуміння феномена інформаційного суспільства, подані показники, тенденції й прогнози впровадження інформаційних технологій у світі та його вплив на глобальний розвиток. У цьому контексті розглянуто соціокультурні зрушення в Україні, безпосередньо пов’язані зі впровадженням і використанням інформаційних технологій, зокре- ма: поширення нових форм масової комунікацій, трансформація та розвиток систем «циф- рової» демократії та електронного урядування, сучасних технологій. Розкрито стан проблеми розвитку інформаційних технологій.

Military Expenditures of the Most Influential Countries in the World During the Military Actions in Ukraine

Instability in the world makes it necessary to strengthen the military security of countries by modernizing armies, increasing armaments, using innovative technologies, which requires an increase in military expenditures. Such measures necessitate the restructuring of the economy, reformatting of business in various branches of economic activity. And this question becomes relevant not only in those countries that are involved in the war, but also in neighboring countries and countries that have an influence on the world economy and politics.

The future of international law: integration of modern technologies, hybrid approaches and creation of new normative frameworks for the global community

Annotation.  In today's world, the impact of technology on international relations and the legal system is rapidly increasing, which is due, in particular, to the development of information technology. Globalisation has covered the economic, political and cultural spheres of society, which has led to the relevance of this work.

The future of international law: integration of modern technologies, hybrid approaches and creation of new normative frameworks for the global community

Annotation.  In today's world, the impact of technology on international relations and the legal system is rapidly increasing, which is due, in particular, to the development of information technology. Globalisation has covered the economic, political and cultural spheres of society, which has led to the relevance of this work.

Intelligent system for analyzing battery charge consumption processes

The article develops an intelligent system of analysis and neural network forecasting of battery charge consumption for automated vehicles (AGVs). For this purpose, the types of AGV and the methods of effective forecasting of their battery charge consumption were analyzed. It is established that they are based on optimal robot control processes; application of technologies to increase capacity and extend service life.

Ensurance of artificial intelligence systems cyber security: analysis of vulnerabilities, attacks and countermeasures

In recent years, many companies have begun to integrate artificial intelligence systems (AIS) into their infrastructures. AIS is used in sensitive areas of society, such as the judicial system, critical infrastructure, video surveillance, and others. This determines the need for a reliable assessment and guaranteed provision of cyber security of AIS. The study analyzed the state of affairs regarding the cyber security of these systems. Possible types of attacks are classified and the main ones are considered in detail.

Are You Scared of Humanity Re-engineering? Review of : Frischmann, B., Selinger, E. (2018). Re-engineering Humanity. Cambridge, United Kingdom; New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. 235 p.

In the book “Re-engineering Humanity”, the authors show how strongly we should hold the development of technology and humanity in our hands. They convey all the responsibility we should be aware of, showing
incredible examples of re-engineering humanity. This book will convince us why it’s so important we embed technologies with human values before they embed us with their own.

Computational approach to law: compatibility with human rights and current regulation

Problem setting. The development of information technologies and especially the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic have highlighted the problem of digitization of many areas of human activity, including law. Digital tools are increasingly used in the legal business, legal services, law enforcement, including administrative services and even justice. One of the most radical ideas in this area is the translation of legal norms into the form of program code, called “Computational Law” or computational approach to law.

Design of the system of automated generation of poetry works

 Features of designing a system of automated generation of poetic works, which opens up new opportunities for artistic speech and show business, especially the preparation of poems and songs have been considered. Quite often lyrics without special content become successful due to the lack of complex plots, as well as due to the unobtrusiveness and ease of perception by listeners. Well-known literature sources and available software products that can generate poetic works by combining different methods and algorithms are analyzed.