The paper presents the development of a cyber-physical system based on the HomeAssistant platform for efficient automation and control of Internet of Things (IoT) devices. The architectural features, technical implementation and prospects for the development of the system are considered, with an emphasis on the ability to integrate a wide range of sensors and IoT devices into a single network to create adaptive and intelligent solutions. The main focus is on the implementation of automation scenarios for indoor climate control, which optimise living conditions depending on the internal needs of users and external weather conditions, significantly increasing energy efficiency and overall comfort. Data storage and analysis strategies are described in detail, including the use of NAS servers for backup, the use of MariaDB for storage and InfluxDB and Grafana for analytics and visualisation, ensuring a high level of reliability and availability of information. Testing was conducted to assess the delay of notifications transmitted via Telegram and the internal network of the cyber-physical system. The obtained results confirm the high efficiency of the implemented cyber-physical system in ensuring instant delivery of notifications, which is a key aspect for rapid response to critical situations in a dynamic environment. The Home Assistant platform has been found to have extensive capabilities to support artificial intelligence services. It integrates with a variety of services such as Google Assistant, TensorFlow, DeepStack, Amazon Alexa, and allows you to easily expand its functionality with additional components and plug-ins. Using intelligent algorithms and data analysis, the system can independently make decisions on the optimal use of resources, monitor devices in accordance with changing conditions and user needs, and respond to dangerous or unpredictable situations
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