штучний інтелект

The vision of technology's effect upon human being in the context of the development of artificial inteligence (Review of Max Tegmark’s Book “Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence”[Ukrainian language edition], 432 p. Kyiv, 2019)

The book “Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence” was considered in the review. This book was the first translated into Ukrainian language and originally written by American mathematic, physicist – Max Tegmark (Professor, MIT).  The author explains the wide problem field related to the appearance of Artificial Intelligence (AI). He describes transformations which threaten human himself and the whole world as a result of creating AI. Humankind can lose its special status of an intelligent creature.

Analytic philosophy becomes closer…

In this review, the development of contemporary analytic philosophy is considered from the productive point of view, not from the reproductive or historic one. The reviewer suggests that Synytsya’s monograph is strong needed for Ukrainian philosophical discourse because its analytic component is very weak or even absent. This monograph is presented the main actual problems that are elaborated by analytic philosophers fromWittgenstein to Kripke and Churchland. Those problems include the problem of consciousness (mind-body problem), artificial intellect, reference, truth etc.