система права

Military Law in the Legal System of Ukraine: Conceptual Dimensions

Abstract. The article defines the theoretical, methodological and practical principles of military law as a separate branch of law and clarifies its place and role in the legal system of Ukraine. It was determined that military law is a system of universally binding norms, formally defined rules of conduct in the military-public sphere, which are established, protected and provided by the state and regulate social relations related to the activities of the military organization of society and are aimed at ensuring the protection of the state , sovereignty, territorial integrity.

Conceptual dimensions of military law as a complex branch of law

The article identifies the theoretical, methodological and practical principles of military law as a separate branch of law and clarifies its place and role in the legal system of Ukraine. Definitely. That military law is a system of universally binding norms, formally defined rules of conduct in the militarypublic sphere, which are established, protected and provided by the state and regulate public relations related to the military organization of society and aimed at protecting the state, sovereignty, territorial integrity.

Structuring the law system in domestic legal doctrine

The article analyzes the structuring of the legal system as a regulatory framework of the legal system, which is formed based on the legal ideology of a state and at the same time acting as a normative basis for behavior in the field of law. The generative role of legal consciousness in relation to the component structure of the legal system is determined, which in the future ensures its integration.

The right of social security as a national law

Ukraine, having become the path of independence and the construction of a lawgoverned
state, directed its activities on the formation of national law. From here, the study of
the problems of the formation and development of such a branch of law as social security is
one of the main tasks of the legal science. This is due to the fact that, through the norms of this
industry, the realization of the most important social rights by a person and a citizen takes
place. In addition, the successful resolution of the tasks of law-making and law-enforcement

Національно-правова гармонізація інституту правосуддя в системі інтеграційних процесів

Досліджено проблему національно-правової гармонізації інституту правосуддя в
системі інтеграційних процесів та визначено шляхи приведення національного
законодавства про інститут правосуддя відповідно до міжнародних стандартів.
Фундаментальність гармонізації законодавства України про інститут правосуддя із
міжнародними стандартами безпосередньо залежить від етапів її реалізації. Пропонуємо
виокремити такі етапи гармонізаційних процесів у сфері судоустрою та статусу суддів: